Where Food Begins: Soils, a foundation for family farming
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Book (stand-alone)Soils, where food begins
Proceedings of the Global Symposium on soils for nutrition, 26–29 July 2022
2023Also available in:
No results found.The book of proceedings of the GSOIL4N contains the papers presented during the that was held from 26 to 29 July 2022. The papers provide the latest research findings and multisectoral insights which evidenced that nutrient imbalance is a global and crosscutting threat with multifactorial drivers and effects on the agrifood systems and even on key planetary processes. -
BookletSoils, where food begins
Outcome document of the Global Symposium on soils for nutrition, 26–29 July 2022
2023Also available in:
No results found.The Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition outcome document highlights the latest research findings and multisectoral insights which evidenced that nutrient imbalance is a global and crosscutting threat with multifactorial drivers and effects on the agrifood systems and even on key planetary processes. The recommendations presented in this document aim to support the implementation of actions and development of policies towards healthy and fertile soils by 2030, allowing the sustainable production of more nutritious and safer food with a climatic and environmentally friendly approach and in the framework of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This document also collates the communication campaign aimed at positioning the soils for nutrition topic in the public eye. The Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition was held virtually from 26 to 29 July 2023. It was attended by over 9 500 participants representing more than 180 countries, including representatives of FAO Members, organizing institutions, academia, research institutions, the private sector, civil society, and farmers, as well as land users working on soil fertility, nutrient imbalances and related fields. This document is also based on the booklet “Soils for nutrition: state of the art" and is complemented by a book of proceedings, which presents extended abstracts of the various parallel sessions and posters presented during the symposium. Symposium website: https://www.fao.org/events/detail/symposium-soils-for-nutrition/en -
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