
The authors woul elike to thanks the team of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Society for Ecological Restoration for contributinr to this publications.

In addition, the authors would like to thank Sandi Schwarzt for editing, Anna Rekina for design and Brooke Weiland for design of the figures

The authors would also like to thank the following individuals and organization for preparing and subitting the case studies:

  • Case study 3.1: Restoring the Murray-Darling Basin: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water of Australia
  • Case study 3.2: Allison L. Devlin, Dr. Bart Harmsen (Panthera), Aaron Laur, and Gabriel Oppler (Center for Large Landscape Conservation)
  • Case study 3.3: Van Tu Do (Institute of ecology and biological resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) and Tuyet Tang (CIFOR-ICRAF)
  • Case study 5.1: Valentina Robiglio and Rocio Vasquez (CIFOR-ICRAF)
  • Case study 6.1: Priya Pajel and Elaine Springgay (FAO)
  • Case study 6.2: Khalil Walji (CIFOR-ICRAF)
  • Case study 6.3: Patricia Koleff, Wolke Tobón and Tania Urquiza-Haas (National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity of Mexico, CONABIO)
  • Case study 7.1: Gregory Obiang (FAO)

This publication was produced with the financial and technical support of the Korea Forest Service of the Republic of Korea and its Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative, the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration supported by the International Climate Initiative of Germany, and the AIM4Forests programme supported by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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