This section outlines the essential components to operationalizing restoration to meet national commitments and KM-GBF Target 2. The following major groups of activities and steps, modified from the STAPER and UN Restoration Decade Principles and SOPs, may be implemented as appropriate. The groups of activities and steps are also supported by briefs from restoration policy, science and practice, as well as additional resources, guidelines and tools. The major groups are: assessment of opportunities for ecosystem restoration (6.1); improving the institutional enabling environment for ecosystem restoration (6.2); planning, implementation, and ongoing management of ecosystem restoration activities (6.3); and, monitoring, evaluation, feedback and sharing results (6.4). This section includes case studies and lessons learned from multi-actor and multi-scale initiatives, including discussions of trade-offs and challenges in planning, implementing and monitoring restoration. References are provided as examples only.

6.1 Assessment of opportunities for ecosystem restoration

The assessment phase of restoration planning offers an opportunity to consider and prioritize degraded ecosystems for restoration action; engage Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and other relevant stakeholders and rights and knowledge holders; consider gender balance; and assess the potential of restoration as a tool for addressing a wide variety of ecological and social issues. Effective approaches to assessment and planning can help prevent challenges at later stages of implementation or ongoing management, while simultaneously enhancing restoration opportunities. The following steps may be taken as appropriate.

  1. Assess the extent, drivers, degree and location of degraded ecosystems, considering the 30 percent global target for terrestrial, inland water, and coastal and marine ecosystems (Section 3.1).2 Determine national baselines by area at the beginning of the KM-GBF period for major ecosystem types prioritized for restoration (Section 3.2).
  2. Determine national targets by area for major ecosystem types prioritized for restoration, including production ecosystems, and identify opportunities to increase ecological connectivity.
  3. Using regional, national and subnational platforms, involve Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and other relevant stakeholders and rights and knowledge holders such as local authorities, in restoration assessment, planning and prioritization processes.
  4. Identify options to reduce or eliminate the drivers of the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystems at various scales.
  5. Identify and prioritize geographical areas where restoration would contribute most significantly to achieving national level targets by 1) minimizing the trade-offs and maximizing synergies and complementarities between restoration commitments under various international, regional and domestic initiatives and with other targets of the KM-GBF and 2) prioritizing locations with high biodiversity value (e.g. protected areas, key biodiversity areas, important bird and biodiversity areas, Alliance for Zero Extinction sites), socioeconomic value (e.g. sites contributing to poverty reduction, delivery of ecosystem services), cultural value (e.g. culturally significant sites, Indigenous Peoples’ territories), and recovery potential that optimally contribute to increased ecological connectivity.
  6. Review, improve or establish terrestrial, inland water, and coastal and marine spatial planning processes and zoning activities aligned with Target 1. Site-based actions should be taken in the context of integrated landscape and seascape management practices.
Considerations in the context of restoration policy, science and practiceSee also
Avoid unintentional damage to natural ecosystems.
The use of proactive regulations, legal protections and restoration guidance (e.g. CBD, 2016; Brancalion and Chazdon, 2017; Gann et al., 2019; Di Sacco et al., 2021) are needed to prevent unintended ecosystem destruction, such as the afforestation of biodiverse grasslands in terrestrial or coastal ecosystems (Veldman et al., 2015). While global maps and tools are useful at coarse scale, assessments of restoration opportunities should always be scaled down appropriately to national, subnational or local levels, drawing on expert knowledge.
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: A.1
Assess common stakeholder expectations for long-term ecosystem restoration initiatives.
Establishing shared goals and expectations among stakeholders may ensure long-term ecosystem restoration outcomes. A unified, cost-effective vision strengthens adaptive approaches, diversity and participation in ecosystem restoration strategies (Mansourian, 2021; Frietsch et al., 2023; Mansourian et al., 2024).
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: A.2
Annex E: A.3
Account for all potential benefits of restoration.
Consider multiple restoration benefits to support complementary commitments, targets and goals by quantifying potential benefits including biodiversity, ecosystem services, and social and economic impacts, and encouraging policy support and community involvement (Alexander et al., 2016; Nelson et al., 2024). Document the importance of biodiversity to nature’s contributions to people to help inform the management of biodiversity in social-ecological systems (Bianco et al., 2024).
Section 2.
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: A.2
Annex E: A.4
Annex E: A.5
Identify optimal restoration locations and types on the landscape.
Identifying optimal restoration sites and types helps improve biodiversity recovery, the enhancement of ecosystem functions and services, and ecological connectivity. Resources to guide strategic planning include: ecological connectivity guidance (IUCN-WCPA, 2023), landscape-scale prioritization models (Silva et al., 2023), Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (Wang et al., 2023), analyses of trade offs between native and plantation forests (Hua et al., 2022), applying the Red List of Ecosystems to ecosystem restoration (Valderrábano et al., 2021), marine connectivity ‘Rules of Thumb’ (Lausche et al., 2021), global prioritization models (Strassburg et al., 2020), ROOT (Beatty et al., 2018), strategies for restoration in agricultural landscapes (Rey Benayas and Bullock 2012), and Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM).
Annex E: A.1
Annex E: A.2

6.2 Improving the institutional enabling environment for ecosystem restoration

Improving the enabling institutional framework for ecosystem restoration is a key step leading to successful implementation and ongoing management.

This includes providing a clear and stable legal basis for restoration; legal, economic and social incentives and appropriate planning mechanisms; and fostering cross-sectoral collaboration to promote restoration and minimize ecosystem degradation while reducing poverty and improving livelihoods (see Case Study 6.1). In addition, policies should include biodiversity as a required objective starting in the restoration design phase (e.g. in rehabilitation projects), rather than assuming biodiversity will benefit from ecosystem restoration projects. The improvement in enabling conditions, including policies and measures that promote long-term progress and foster replication and scaling up, is also included in Principle 10 of the UN Restoration Decade Principles. The following steps may be taken as appropriate:

  1. Review, improve or establish legal, policy, governance and financial frameworks for the restoration of ecosystems, including approaches that actively decouple restoration from new degradation. Frameworks should also make explicit linkages to biodiversity protection and enhancement, sustainable development plans and poverty reduction strategies.
  2. Review, improve or establish targets, policies and strategies for ecosystem restoration, including a national system for ecosystem restoration monitoring (see Case Study 6.2).
  3. Identify capacity gaps and capacity building needs for all phases of restoration, both national and subnational, and include them in national NBSAP capacity building plans.
  4. Develop plans for resource mobilization. Create a framework for mobilizing resources to support ecosystem restoration, including defining specific kinds of interventions that could be supported by different finance actors.
  5. Review, improve or establish a legal and policy framework to secure land tenure; recognize the rights of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and other relevant stakeholders and rights and knowledge holders to participate in all stages of the restoration process; and ensure gender balance (linked to Targets 21 and 22).
  6. Incorporate safeguard measures for Indigenous Peoples and other groups. Ensure that restoration activities do not diminish or violate the rights of Indigenous Peoples or other groups or contribute to their displacement.
  7. Consider the need for safeguard measures to reduce risks of displacing habitat loss and degradation as well as other risks to biodiversity.
  8. Develop national accounting processes that take into account the monetary and non-monetary (e.g. cultural) values of biodiversity and natural and semi-natural ecosystems, and the functions and services they deliver.
  9. Promote economic and financial incentives that support restoration and eliminate phase out or reform incentives harmful to biodiversity.
  10. Promote and support capacity building, training and technology transfer, and formal and informal education systems, including university and technical institutions, for all stages of ecosystem restoration to improve the effectiveness of restoration programmes and generate and share knowledge.
  11. Encourage participation of universities and research institutions in restoration projects, focusing on the generation of scientific evidence on restoration methods and ecosystem recovery, research gaps and monitoring.

Case study 6.1 Maximizing agroforestry’s productive and restorative potential

through policy support in India

Agroforestry, broadly defined as the intentional integration of trees with agricultural crops and/or animals, is a key strategy for productive ecosystem and biodiversity conservation. Successful uptake of agroforestry practices, however, requires enabling environments that guarantee rights to trees and land, provide farmers with investments, and facilitate marketing agroforestry products.

India has a long history of agroforestry as a traditional land management system and has been heavily involved in agroforestry research for at least 50 years. Recognizing the structural issues to scaling-up and maximizing the benefits of agroforestry in the country, the Government of India developed an intersectoral National Agroforestry Policy in 2014. The policy’s goals are to increase productivity through agroforestry and to meet the increasing demand for timber, food and non-timber forest products, while improving the livelihoods of rural farming populations, ensuring food security and protecting ecosystems.

As one of the aims under the National Agroforestry Policy, India has recently launched the Greening and Restoration of Wasteland with Agroforestry (GROW) initiative. Today, agroforestry is being practised on more than 28.43 million ha in India, while the area under ‘wastelands’ is 55.76 million ha. In this context, wastelands are defined as degraded lands that can be brought under vegetative cover with reasonable effort and which are currently underutilized. The initiative recognizes the potential to convert degraded areas into productive and sustainable use through agroforestry. This is also a key strategy to meet its national goals to restore 26 million hectares of degraded land by 2030 and to increase national tree cover by 33 percent. As part of GROW, NITI Aayog, a public policy think tank of the Government of India, has developed an open-access GIS platform to assess the suitability of agroforestry in different categories of ‘wastelands’ and have introduced an Agroforestry Suitability Index (ASI) for national-level prioritisation. The GROW platform is intended to enhance government actors’ implementation of agroforestry initiatives.

The existence of strong policy support for agroforestry in the country has triggered new investments, initiatives and technologies to assist the widespread adoption of agroforestry. India’s National Agroforestry Policy also paved the way for other countries that have now developed their own agroforestry policies or strategies, including the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, The Gambia, Kenya, Nepal, Rwanda, South Africa and the United States of America; Nepal’s (2019) national policy was founded on India’s experience. Developing national policies and strategies is a key pathway for creating enabling environments and sustainably scaling up agroforestry in a way that meets national and international targets, including for ecosystem restoration.

Relevant links:

Considerations in the context of restoration policy, science and practiceSee also
Ensure a policy environment that enables and incentivizes restoration
An enabling policy environment, including through intersectoral policy coordination, is important for achieving restoration objectives and goals over the long term (FAO et al., 2021). All relevant governance instruments (laws, regulations, policies, strategies and plans) should be mapped, adapted where appropriate, and integrated in the planning and implementation of projects, programmes and initiatives. The SDG process can inform enabling conditions for restoration. National policy integration, subnational initiatives, and education can affect and be affected by multiple goals, requiring an in-depth analysis of how one area may affect another to guide restoration and SDG implementation strategies (Hickman et al., 2024).
Section 5
Annex C
Annex E: B.1
Improve legal tools for restoration
To date, the precise legal obligation of many restoration commitments has not been clear (Telesetsky et al., 2017; Cliquet et al., 2021; Mendes et al., 2022; European Parliament and Council, 2024). However, the UN Restoration Decade and the KM-GBF provide opportunities for countries to advance the development of substantive and qualitative legal obligations for conducting restoration activities at the international, national, and subnational levels. Legal tools that can be used to upscale restoration include a regulatory mix of rules, principles, and standards (Cliquet et al., 2021). Legal frameworks at the international (e.g., the European Union Nature Restoration Law see Box 6.1) and national levels can take advantage of existing and emerging law to facilitate ecosystem restoration (Akhtar-Khavari and Richardson, 2017). Where absent or poorly developed, the improvement of legal frameworks is essential to upscaling restoration.
Section 5.2; Annex E: B.1
Refer to principles and standards for guidance on enabling conditions
The UN Restoration Decade Principles (Principle 10; FAO et al., 2021) and the UN Restoration Decade SOPs (Nelson et al., 2024) elaborate on a wide variety of enabling conditions for restoration, including governance, finance, coordination actions among institutions, sectors and stakeholders, capacity development, and knowledge co-generation and sharing. Significant guidance on respecting Indigenous Peoples as rights and knowledge holders are included in the UN Restoration Decade SOPs.
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: B.1
Support standards-based restoration to deliver effective restoration
Provide policy and legal support for the use of standards and certification in restoration, whether mandatory or voluntary, including practitioner and project certification as tools to lower risk, increase quality of outcomes, and improve capacity.
Section 3.4
Annex E: C.2
Finance and resource mobilisation
Securing sufficient financial resources for all components of restoration is essential for successful outcomes (WRI 2017, Nelson et al., 2024). To do this, it is often critical to create partnerships and mobilize diverse sources of funding, including international (e.g., GEF, World Bank), regional (e.g., European Union), national, subnational and private (e.g., private philanthropy, corporate). Where feasible and appropriate, opportunities may be explored to mobilize finance through the sale of products and services that result from restoration activities (e.g., Payments for Ecosystem Services, carbon credits, biodiversity credits) and facilitating access to markets for such products and services. Some NGOs offer tools or facilitate restoration financing.
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: B.2
Enable continuous learning and capacity development opportunities
Systematic capacity development and the need to mainstream restoration knowledge in education and natural resource management programmes at all levels, as outlined in the UN Decade Capacity, Knowledge and Learning Action Plan, enables all parts of society to engage in ecosystem restoration. An e-learning and assessment tool based on this Resource Guide contributes to the capacity development on Target 2.
Section 7.1
Annex E: B.3
Create sustainable demand
Increase demand for products from natural ecosystems under restoration, such as rewetted peatlands, to change from degradation based agriculture to sustainable agriculture (e.g., paludiculture). Support supply chain standards and certifications that encourage restorative and regenerative practices in production ecosystems (e.g., Union for Ethical Biotrade Regenerative Programme).
Annex E: B.2
Annex E: C.2
Ensure ecological and social safeguards for payment for ecosystem services, green bonds, and other benefits-sharing mechanisms.
Annex C
Annex E: B.2
Compensatory restoration
Ensure projects that destroy, damage or degrade natural ecosystems or native biodiversity, including projects that employ biodiversity offsets or credits, follow the Mitigation Hierarchy, where firstly environmental impacts are avoided; then impacts that cannot be avoided are minimized; when impacts occur rehabilitation or restoration takes place first on site; finally, any residual negative impacts are offset. The Mitigation Hierarchy should be implemented diligently and thoroughly. It is critical that its implementation should remain in the right order, avoiding offsetting before restoration, to prevent justifying further biodiversity loss (Jones et al., 2022; Young et al., 2022; Treweek et al., 2023). The aim is at least no net loss and net gain or Nature Positive outcomes whenever possible, taking leakage into account.
Annex E: Global Resources
Support and incentivize restoration on private lands
Financial incentives and other support systems, including robust legal frameworks, need to be explored and connected with market mechanisms to increase restoration participation on a large-scale. Government support can encourage private landowners to conserve and restore degraded landscape, as shown by the European Networks for Private Land Conservation (ENPLC) and Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. Restoration efforts may also benefit from regulation by law. For example, Brazil’s Native Vegetation Protection Law or Forest Code requires rural property owners to participate in restoration and conservation (Lopes et al., 2023).
Annex E: B.2
Invest in restoration infrastructure and the restoration economy
National and subnational investments in restoration infrastructure (e.g., workforce training, creating incentives to acquire and share equipment and technology) can play a key role in scaling restoration.
Annex E: B.3
Develop globally standardized rapid assessment tools
The development of globally standardized rapid assessment methods (e.g., score of gains and losses, or traffic light systems) to assist ecosystem restoration policy design would provide regulators and permitters with the appropriate knowledge and methods to prevent degradation and to identify appropriate locations and scale for restoration, especially for marine ecosystems. Existing datasets and methodologies can be leveraged to expand ecosystem databases on restoration efforts, supported by scientific and the socioeconomic data necessary for prioritising targets, planning, impact assessments, and monitoring outcomes.
Section 3.1
Annex E: A.1

Case study 6.2 Kenya Landscape Restoration Monitoring technical working group and Restoration Monitoring Framework

The Kenya forest and landscape (FLR) monitoring framework was developed to harmonize and coordinate reporting on landscape restoration efforts in the country and to bolster support to the government in reporting of its national, regional, and global restoration commitments. The monitoring framework was developed through a multi stakeholder consultative process led by the members of the Restoration Monitoring Technical Working Group with feedback drawn through a series of meetings, workshops, at subnational level (county) engagement forums and a national validation event. The Technical Working Group on Monitoring was chaired by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forests, but engaged a number of other ministries and NGO actors in support of achieving its Terms of Reference. The resultant monitoring framework outlines 30 indicators and 45 sub-indicators for restoration monitoring considering both process or action indicators and impact indicators, exploring relevant tools and next steps to operationalize the framework. The framework has been endorsed and is included in Kenya’s new National Ecosystem and Landscape Restoration Strategy 2024. The operationalization of the framework for use at local levels is underway, through county level engagement workshops, cross walking county forest and landscape restoration plans with the national framework to better understand information flow and indicators alignment for more coherent restoration monitoring.

Note: Kenya Landscape Restoration Monitoring technical working group and Restoration Monitoring Framework are funded by UK PACT Project and led by ICRAF.

Relevant links:
Link to framework:
Link to county level work:

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Box 6.1 The European Union Nature Restoration Law

The European Union Nature Restoration Law (NRL), adopted in June 2024 combines an overarching restoration objective for the long-term recovery of nature in the EU’s land and sea areas, including inland waters, with binding restoration targets for specific habitats and species. These measures should cover at least 20 percent of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030, and ultimately all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. While the 2030 target is lower than the KM-GBF agreed restoration target, the longer-term objective for the NRL goes beyond the Target 2. The NRL represents a paradigm shift in the global approach to ecological and ecosystem restoration by creating a proactive obligation to restore ecosystems, decoupled from continued degradation. While no single law can achieve all necessary enabling conditions for restoration, the NRL provides an important model for how parties can create enabling conditions that either obligate or incentivize delivery of the restoration objectives outlined in Target 2.

6.3 Planning, implementation, and ongoing management of ecosystem restoration activities

Restoration projects and programmes should be planned and implemented based on the assessment process and considering the institutional enabling frameworks that exist or are in process of being revised or created at the national and subnational level. As identified in the UN Restoration Decade SOPs, there are three cross-cutting components to consider when planning, implementing, or conducting ongoing management of restoration projects: 1) broad engagement of stakeholders and rights holders in all aspect of the restoration process, in particular Indigenous Peoples; 2) regular and inclusive information sharing; and 3) adaptive management informed by sound monitoring and evaluation throughout all aspects of projects and programmes. In addition, the SOPs describe 13 subcomponents for planning and design, 11 for implementation, and 5 for ongoing management, each containing valuable guidance for best practice. For ecological restoration, the SER Standards contain extensive guidance on eight principles that underpin ecological restoration, SOPs for planning and implementing ecological restoration, and information on key topics including developing reference models, choosing restoration approaches, and selecting seeds and other propagules for restoration. As identified by the STAPER, capacity-building for stakeholders, including legal and legislative support for the rights of women and Indigenous Peoples and local communities and other rights and knowledge holders, is often required. The following steps may be taken as appropriate.

  1. Identify appropriate restoration types and approaches by drawing on multiple ways of knowing from a diversity of contributors, aligned with agreed project goals and objectives. Incorporate information from similar restoration projects (e.g., types of degradation, techniques to be deployed) and from the local area or country that can inform restoration planning and implementation (see Case Study 6.3).
  2. As appropriate, ensure that restoration activities support the ecological and economic sustainability of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and other production activities, as well as biodiversity enhancement, climate change mitigation and adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and enhancement of ecosystem functions and services including for urban areas.
  3. Ensure that restoration benefits both people (e.g., improves livelihoods, reduces poverty) and nature (e.g., enhances biodiversity, ecosystem functions).
  4. Develop ecosystem restoration plans and programmes with clear and measurable goals and objectives for expected ecological, economic and social outcomes.
  5. Develop explicit implementation tasks, schedules and budgets, and identify the suitability and minimum qualifications of restoration team members.
  6. Collect baseline data for restoration projects aligned with long-term restoration monitoring plans.
  7. Implement the activities outlined in the ecosystem restoration plans in the most effective and coordinated manner possible, ensuring the appropriate use of materials, tools, and supplies, and worker safety and well-being.
  8. Avoid collateral damage from restoration to natural ecosystems, and native plants, animals and other organisms.
  9. Avoid the use of and minimize populations of invasive species to the extent practicable. Follow best practices for the translocation of plants, animals and other organisms.
  10. Enhance and support the natural recovery potential of the restoration site, minimising restoration activities to the extent possible. However, consider that completely unassisted natural regeneration alone may not optimize outcomes at most sites. Small investments in enrichment plantings of large-seeded species, for example, or reintroducing and supporting depleted wildlife populations may greatly increase the outcomes of restoration.
  11. Plan for and operationalize an ongoing management plan to maximize outcomes, prevent deleterious impacts, and avoid regression into a degraded state.
  12. Identify opportunities at the project site or in the broader landscape and seascape to replicate or scale up restoration activities and conduct additional restoration activities to take advantage of improved conditions at the site in the context of ongoing management and continuous improvement.
  13. Optimize beneficial ecological connectivity to the extent practicable.
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Considerations in the context of restoration policy, science and practiseSee also
Standards and guidelines
Global, national, and ecosystem-specific standards guide ecosystem restoration planning, implementation, and monitoring, including specific guidelines for many ecosystem types and the improvement of practices through case studies and place-based knowledge and resources.
Section 3.4
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: C.1
Annex E: C.2
Annex E: C.3
Multiple restoration types across habitats and land uses
Multiple restoration types across habitats and land uses
Ecological restoration and rehabilitation can be used side by side to restore natural ecosystems alongside production ecosystems, such as agroforestry systems in terrestrial ecosystems. Indigenous Peoples’ food generation sustainable practices can combine elements of both. Similarly, restoration can occur across diverse ecosystems to support both biodiversity and livelihoods, such as cross-habitat facilitation restoration in marine areas (Vozzo et al., 2023).
Section 2
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: A.1 Annex E: C.1
Annex E. C.2
Annex E: C.3
Reference ecosystems and reference models
Ecological restoration is informed by natural reference ecosystem targets, and planning and project design are guided by reference models, which integrate diverse data on natural biotic and abiotic conditions, historical conditions, and current and future predicted environmental change (e.g. climate change) in order to set goals and monitor progress (Gann et al., 2019; Durbecq et al., 2020; Toma et al., 2023; Nelson et al., 2024). Big data tools on species distributions (e.g., GBIF) and ecological variables (e.g., Restor) can be very useful but must be paired with ground truthing and local knowledge.
Section 6.1 Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: A.1 Annex E: C.1
Baseline data collection
The collection of pre-restoration baseline data for restoration projects is critical for impact assessment and future planning (Gann et al., 2019; Nelson et al., 2024).
Section 7.1
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: C.1
Annex E: D.1
Species interactions
Species interactions, such as pollination, seed dispersal, and predation, play a critical role in ecosystem restoration, ensuring biodiversity, ecological balance and resilience.
Annex E: C.1
Annex E: C.4
Genetic diversity of plants and other essential materials
Ensuring genetic diversity and securing locally adapted native plant and animal materials are crucial for successful ecological restoration, enhancing ecosystem resilience, and achieving biodiversity conservation and sustainable development objectives. This is true for both native plants and animals for ecological restoration and agricultural livestock and crops.
Annex E: C.1
Annex E: C.4
Enhance ecological connectivity
Enhance ecological connectivity through the dual approach of ‘Restore to Connect, Connect to Restore’. Ecological corridors and networks are critical for maintaining and restoring biodiversity, ecosystem function and climate resilience (IUCN-WCPA 2023).
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: A.1
Annex E: C.1
Plant and animal supply
In most parts of the world, there are challenges and bottlenecks that must be overcome in the availability, production, and access to native seeds and other propagules required for restoration, including threatened species and agricultural crops. Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and small businesses can be engaged in the supply of seeds and other propagules to elevate local economic support and secure high biodiversity supply (Padovezi et al., 2024). Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge in their role as custodians of genetic diversity must be respected, for example, in the case of many native seeds and species of flora and fauna.
Annex E: C.3
Workforce training
Ecosystem restoration creates significant employment and contributes to sustainable economic economies. It is important to develop restoration-focused job training and supply chains that benefit local economies and strengthen the ecological restoration sector (BenDor et al., 2023). Training and standards of practice for the workforce are critical for maximising these benefits, promoting sustainable development and ecological recovery in countries (e.g. Brazil, Brancalion et al., 2022) and on a global scale (Nelson et al., 2017).
Annex E: B.3
Annex E: C.1
Project certification and verification
Project certification and verification can help reduce risk and enhance restoration outcomes assessment, crucial for policy and stakeholder engagement. Incorporating traditional knowledge and community involvement improves success rates, urging a shift towards cost-effective, long-term ecological and socio-economic goals.
Annex E: C.2
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Case study 6.3 Mexico’s National Information System for Environmental Restoration [SNIRA]

Mexico, a country known for its high biological and cultural diversity, faces significant challenges in restoring its diverse ecosystems, with more than two thirds of its continental territory classified as environmentally degraded. Efforts to address degradation and biodiversity loss have been implemented by government agencies, local communities, NGOs and academic institutions. However, challenges remain to address and recover biodiversity and ecosystem services. Furthermore, dispersed and fragmented data, limited access to systematized information, and a lack of coordination among stakeholders continue to hinder effective decisions and resource allocation.

To overcome these challenges, Mexico developed the National Information System for Environmental Restoration (SNIRA), a digital platform that consolidates information about restoration projects in the country. SNIRA integrates data from projects using diverse restoration approaches, such as natural regeneration, ecological restoration, and rehabilitation, implemented by government agencies, academic institutions, civil society, indigenous groups, and local communities. Thus, promoting transparency and collaboration, and allowing users to share best practices and lessons learned.

To date, information from over 600 projects across various ecosystems, including forests, rivers, islands, coastal, and marine areas, has been included. Of the 365 projects with spatial reference, more than half (54 percent) are located within priority areas for restoration, conservation, or bioclimatic corridors. This information can help identify gaps, prioritize future efforts, and assess whether interventions are meeting their intended ecological and social objectives.

Providing access to detailed data, including socio-ecological benefits and barriers to restoration, enhances stakeholders' capacity to plan and implement restoration activities. Strengthening community involvement and stewardship is also crucial for sustaining long-term restoration efforts. Sharing restoration data through interoperable frameworks between organisations will be important for attracting further funding and bridging the gap between restoration knowledge and action to meet national and international restoration commitments.

Figure 6.B1

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Note: Refer to the disclaimer on page ii for the names and boundaries used in this map.

Figure 6.B2

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Note: Refer to the disclaimer on page ii for the names and boundaries used in this map.

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6.4 Monitoring, evaluation, feedback and sharing results

Restoration monitoring occurs at multiple scales, from the national and subnational scale to the programme and project scale. At the national level, reporting on Target 2 will focus on the headline indicator Area Under Restoration, and it is critical that a functioning national monitoring system is in place (see Section 7). At the project level, monitoring should begin during the earliest phases of project development to obtain baseline data that will enable ecosystem conditions and socio-economic effects to be measured against agreed-upon goals and objectives. Effective monitoring benefits from establishing baselines, developing statistically robust protocols for data collection and assessment, identifying ecological, social and economic indicators, and setting clear and measurable objectives based on the selected indicators prior to the initiation of restoration activities. In addition, when appropriate, engaging Indigenous Peoples in monitoring and evaluation processes is crucial to incorporate their perspectives and traditional knowledge to ensure that practices are culturally appropriate and meet their needs and those of their lands and territories. The UN Restoration Decade SOPs describe 11 subcomponents for monitoring and evaluation, each containing valuable guidance for best practice. The following steps may be taken as appropriate.

  1. Design an effective and focused monitoring plan to align collection of baseline data with long-term restoration monitoring and to enable adaptive management.
  2. Determine the types of monitoring and evaluation that will be conducted: 1) the degree to which restoration activities are implemented as planned (implementation monitoring), 2) the degree to which restoration goals and objectives are achieved (effectiveness monitoring), and 3) the ecological, cultural and socioeconomic impacts that result, whether positive or negative (impact monitoring). Include all three types of monitoring whenever and wherever feasible. (See Fig. 6.1)
  3. Select indicators that align with national reporting to track biodiversity, ecosystem integrity, and human well-being that link to project goals and objectives at relevant timescales. Assess whether selected indicators will respond reliably within the necessary timeframe and whether incentivizing change in indicators could have any unintended negative outcomes. The best indicators are relatively easy to measure and are as stable as possible, yet sensitive within a reasonable time frame to the types of change expected with restoration. As planned and resourced, monitor and evaluate the implementation of ecosystem restoration projects, the effectiveness and the impacts of projects.
  4. Periodically assess the effectiveness not just of the restoration activities, but also of the monitoring and evaluation effort itself.
  5. Adjust plans, expectations, restoration activities and monitoring through adaptive management based on monitoring results and lessons learned, and promote sustainability beyond the end of primary project activities.
  6. Share lessons learned from all phases of restoration with stakeholders to demonstrate the multiple benefits of ecosystem restoration, to improve transparency and participation, and to improve restoration practice by focusing resources on applying methods that work (see Case Study 6.4). Provide publicly available assessments where feasible and manage and archive data from monitoring in a secure format that provides long-term access and useability.
  7. Utilize an interoperability framework, and align the data that are collected, so that information on local projects can be aggregated at the subnational and national level and shared with global datasets.
  8. Through national and subnational platforms, provide tools, resources, education, and professional training, and develop opportunities for stakeholders and rights and knowledge holders to advise and participate in monitoring and evaluation activities, in order to learn and build knowledge, increase capacity for monitoring, foster long-term interest in restoration and improve project governance.
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Figure 6.1 Visual representation of three major types of ecosystem restoration project monitoring.

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Source: Authors' own elaboration.

Considerations in the context of restoration policy, science and practiseSee also
Monitoring different major ecosystem types
The three major ecosystem types identified in Target 2 (terrestrial, inland waters and coastal and marine) each require different techniques and approaches to monitoring. In addition, monitoring programmes should choose indicators relevant to tracking progress for the agreed project goals and objectives and to the scale of the project location.
Section 3.5
Section 7.1
Annex E: D.1
Monitoring different restoration types and approaches
Different types of restoration result in different types of outcomes, thus it is important to document the type of restoration when monitoring (i.e. ecological restoration versus rehabilitation). Also, it is helpful to record what restoration approaches are being used for the project, (e.g. natural regeneration, assisted natural regeneration, reconstruction or intensively assisted natural regeneration), to contribute to meta-data analyses of costs and outcomes. More projects are needed that compare multiple restoration approaches in the same system to determine which works better and is most cost effective.
Section 3.5
Section 7.1
Annex E: D.1
Annex E: D.4
Restoration timescales and recovery debt
Recovery of ecosystems requires time (e.g. often decades or more). Regular monitoring, including over the long term, is needed to enable continuous improvement and to contribute to knowledge generation. The lag time between the initiation of restoration and the recovery of biodiversity and ecosystem functions has been described as the recovery debt (e.g. Rey Benayas et al., 2009, Moreno-Mateos et al., 2017).
Annex E: D.4
It is important to have open data access wherever possible, strong data synthesis, and to share knowledge across platforms and at different scales to advance restoration science as well as to support evidence-based decision-making for ecosystem restoration practices (Ladouceur et al., 2021, Gann et al., 2022). Interoperability systems are critical for collecting information on small projects at the community and local level and aggregating them into national and global datasets, which can be used both for global restoration monitoring and meta-analyses. The Framework on Ecosystem Monitoring (the FERM) is designed to be interoperable, accepting data from frameworks such as Aurora and the Restoration Project Information Sharing Framework (ISF) (see Section 7.3). Collecting data from Indigenous Peoples must observe their free, prior and informed consent and be respectful of Indigenous Peoples’ rights to knowledge and data sovereignty.
Section 7.4
Annex E: D.4
Annex E: D.6
Monitoring protocols
Many monitoring methods have been developed for specific ecosystems, geographic areas, or to address particular questions. These may facilitate the monitoring of ecosystem restoration and the sharing of monitoring data. One of the central opportunities and challenges of contemporary restoration monitoring is how to appropriately utilize monitoring across vast scales and technologies, from remote sensing to traditional field survey methods, to emerging technologies and the use of big data.
Annex E: D.4
Role of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge
Indigenous Peoples must be considered as holders of their knowledge. By including Indigenous researchers and highlighting the role of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge systems in addressing restoration monitoring, restoration monitoring can be improved.
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: D.2
Choosing project monitoring indicators
Restoration project monitoring indicators are chosen to track restoration implementation, effectiveness, and impact (Gann et al., 2019; Nelson et al., 2024). Optimally, the indicators chosen and the data collection methods used allow for interoperability and the sharing and aggregation of data. WRI and FAO have collaborated on the development of Aurora, a tool that “aims to help stakeholders develop a monitoring system tailored to their needs by identifying indicators and metrics to monitor progress toward their set goals.”
Through a global consultation process, the ISF identified 17 headline indicators and 44 core and secondary indicators, including biophysical and socioeconomic variables, that are recommended for integration into restoration project monitoring programmes (Table 6.1). For ecological restoration projects, the SER 5-star System and Ecological Recovery Wheel are recommended for tracking the recovery of natural ecosystems (Figure 6.2). SER has also developed a Social Benefits Wheel that tracks socioeconomic and cultural change from restoration projects (Gann et al., 2019). Table 6.2 aligns the ISF with the SER 5-star System to provide samples of indicators that can be used to track the change in ecological attributes from restoration projects.
Section 7.3
Annex E: Global Resources
Annex E: D.4
Emerging and big data technologies
There are a large number of emerging and big data technologies that can be deployed for restoration project monitoring, including eDNA, omics, stable isotopes, bioacoustics, remote sensing, and mobile apps. Emerging data analyses are also available, including novel statistical methods, artificial intelligence, and dense time series analysis. It is critical to match these technologies with the monitoring questions being asked, as well as technological and financial appropriateness.
Annex E: D.3
Annex E: D.4
Annex E: D.5
Statistical challenges and best practices
Ecological systems are naturally highly variable, from time to time and from place to place. This variability leads to particular challenges in detecting change and therefore in designing efficient and effective monitoring protocols. Where sampling is expensive, having the resources to collect sufficient data to detect change is another major challenge. Best practices include setting the expectation that collecting monitoring data may be slow or difficult, working with an experienced ecological statistician when planning monitoring programmes, and incorporating information sources that are inexpensive or even free to collect over large areas over the long-term, e.g. remotely-sensed data, where possible.
Annex E: D.3
Participatory and innovative techniques for monitoring
Efficient monitoring that incorporates community participation and stakeholder and rights and knowledge holder collaboration connects local and global restoration efforts. Techniques such as remote sensing by drones, setting up photo points, and utilising easy to use survey applications can improve monitoring while lowering costs. Similarly, by involving the public and local communities and employing basic and reliable data collection techniques, participatory science can provide insight and supplement professionals in ecosystem restoration monitoring. Participatory science can be supported by a variety of mobile apps, such as the Cornell Lab Merlin app that identifies birds from calls and photos, and iNaturalist.
Annex E: D.2

Case study 6.4 Review of near-shore marine restoration

to improve wildlife abundance and diversity

Coral reefs, saltmarshes, mangroves, and seagrass habitats are in decline globally, affecting the animals that rely on them for survival.

A meta-analysis of marine restoration projects around the world aimed to identify if marine restoration projects assisted in the recovery of animal populations at inshore sites. 160 case studies of restoration projects at coral reefs, oyster reefs, saltmarshes, and seagrass habitats were reviewed. On average, biodiversity at restoration sites was 61 percent more abundant and 35 percent more diverse than in unrestored, degraded sites. These metrics were also compared to those at natural reference sites.

At restoration sites in coral reefs, animal communities were on average 165 percent more diverse and animal populations were 220 percent more abundant relative to degraded sites. The study found that there were some strong positive trends for populations, highlighting the benefits restoration can provide. This is especially valuable since a core goal of reef restoration is often to enhance fish biomass and ecosystem functionality, thus suggesting that such efforts can have a positive impact, even at small scales.

Five thousand data points from 160 peer review studies on coastal restoration projects were coded by descriptor, publication details, study locations, and restoration techniques, with a temporal distribution between 1990 and 2020. Saltmarshes, mangroves, seagrasses, macroalgae, coral and shellfish reefs were on average monitored over four years, with 34 percent of studies (54 out of 160) monitored at sites across multiple years.

Although outcomes were highly variable, marine restoration benefits included greater environmental awareness, enhanced education opportunities and increased employment in tourism and fisheries sectors. When applied appropriately, this case study can inform restoration planning and implementation, and provide evidence to support implementation of restoration projects.

Source: Sievers, M., Connolly, R. M., Finlayson, K. A., Kitchingman, M. E., Ostrowski, A., Pearson, R. M., Turschwell, M. P., Adame, M. F., Bugnot, A. B., Ditria, E., Hale, R., Silliman, B. R., Swearer, S. E., Valdez, S. R., & Brown, C. J. (2024). Enhanced but highly variable biodiversity outcomes from coastal restoration: A global synthesis. One Earth, 7(4), 623–634.

Table 6.1 Headline indicators identified by the Restoration Project Information Sharing Framework (ISF)

UN Decade PrinciplesISF Headline Indicator
Ecosystem restoration contributes to the UN sustainable development goals and the goals of the Rio Conventions.
Contributions to global commitments
Officially recognized contribution to national or regional commitments.
Extent of restoration
Extent of area undergoing restoration. Also aligns with Principle 4
Ecosystem restoration promotes inclusive and participatory governance, social fairness and equity from the start and throughout the process and outcomes.
Stakeholders engaged
Types and diversity of stakeholders engaged.
Stakeholder engagement activities
Types of stakeholder engagement activities implemented. Also aligns with Principle 8.
Ecosystem restoration includes a continuum of restorative activities.
Categories of ecosystem restoration activities and approaches utilized
Major categories of restoration activities used in the restoration project or programme (i.e. reducing societal impacts, remediation, rehabilitation, ecological restoration, other). A sub-indicator tracking categories or approaches to rehabilitation and ecological restoration is recommended for those projects.
Ecosystem restoration aims to achieve the highest level of recovery for biodiversity, ecosystem health and integrity, and human well-being.
Biodiversity target status
Changes in biodiversity target status from pre-project baseline toward measurable project goals, accounting for leakage.
Ecosystem integrity
Change in ecosystem integrity status from pre-project baseline toward measurable project goals, accounting for leakage. This is a composite indicator — see Core and Secondary indicators to right.
Social-economic benefits
Change in delivery and sustainability of social-economic benefits from restoration from pre-project baseline toward measurable project goals, accounting for leakage. Also aligns with Principle 7. This is a composite indicator — see Core and Secondary indicators to right.
Carbon sequestration
Estimated change in sequestered aboveground carbon, soil organic carbon, and blue carbon equivalents from pre-project baseline toward measurable project goals, accounting for leakage. Also aligns with Principle 7.
Ecosystem restoration addresses the direct and indirect causes of ecosystem degradation.
Degradation causes
Trends in ecosystem degradation causes (or drivers) from pre-project baseline toward measurable project goals.
Ecosystem restoration incorporates all types of knowledge and promotes their exchange and integration throughout the process.
Knowledge and experience
Capacity and diversity of technical expertise and experience applied to restoration project.
Capacity building, skills, and knowledge development
Change in levels of capacity, skills, and knowledge from pre-project baseline toward measurable project goals, including those needed for planning, implementation, and monitoring. Also aligns with Principle 8.
Ecosystem restoration is based on well-defined short-, medium- and long-term ecological, cultural and socio-economic objectives and goals.
Goals and objectives
Specific, relevant, and measurable goals and objectives, and timelines are included in restoration plan and used to measure effectiveness (e.g., following SMART criteria).
Ecosystem restoration is tailored to the local ecological, cultural and socio-economic contexts, while considering the larger landscape or seascape.
Landscape/seascape scale planning
Landscape or seascape scale considerations that align with local project planning.
Ecosystem restoration includes monitoring, evaluation and adaptive management throughout and beyond the lifetime of the project or programme.
Monitoring effectiveness
Elements of effective monitoring included in the plan and implemented.
Adaptive management
Key lessons learned, adaptive management processes, and mid-course corrections taken to address unforeseen challenges and improve outcomes. Also aligns with Principle 6.
Ecosystem restoration is enabled by policies and measures that promote its long-term progress, fostering replication and scaling-up.
Enabling governance conditions
Changes in enabling governance policies, mechanisms, and institutional conditions at the national and subnational levels from pre-project baseline toward measurable project goals.

Source: Gann, G. D., Walder, B., Gladstone, J., Manirajah, S. M., & Roe, S. 2022. Restoration project information sharing framework. Society for Ecological Restoration and Climate Focus.

Figure 6.2 An example of SER’s Five-star System used to populate the Ecological Recovery Wheel at baseline (left) and 10 years under restoration.

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Source: Gann, G. D., McDonald, T., Walder, B., Aronson, J., Nelson, C. R., Jonson, J., Hallett, J. G., Eisenberg, C., Guariguata, M. R., Liu, J., Hua, F., Echeverría, C., Gonzales, E., Shaw, N., Decleer, K., & Dixon, K. W. 2019. International principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration. Second edition. Restoration Ecology 27(S1): S1–S46.

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Table 6.2 Information Sharing Framework (ISF) biophysical indicators mapped against the ecosystem sub-attributes used by the SER 5-star System and examples of evidence.

Biophysical Monitoring IndicatorsGeneral Indicators (used in multiple ecosystems) from the SER 5-star System
(drawn from the ISF Indicators)Sub attributesExamples of Evidence
Biodiversity Target Status (H)Desirable plants, fungi, and lichens
Desirable animals
Rare and threatened species
Provenance, genetic diversity, and genetic resilience
• Number of desirable indicator and keystone species
• Number of protected or threatened species
• Cover, density, or other measures of abundance
• Demographic or genetic viability of rare or threatened species
• Sex ratio
• Translocated species provenance and diversity
Ecosystem integrity (H)All vegetation strata
All trophic levels
Spatial mosaic
Habitat and interactions
• Number, structure, growth form, and complexity of strata present
• Appropriate microclimates present
• Leaf area index
• Species cover (by layer where applicable)
• Diameter and height class distributions
• Complexity, balance, and interactions of trophic levels
• Soil or substrate microbiome
• Spatial distribution of features
• Patch history, size, and the ecotones between them
• Habitat provision
• Host plants for pollinators, frugivores, and nesting species
• Occurrence of ecosystem engineers
• Coarse debris and litter
• Habitat quality indices
• Constructed habitat features
Substrate - physical• Similarity to the landforms in the surrounding landscape
• Macro and micro variability measures
• Water or wind erosion (e.g., erosion rills, gullies, piping, sediment movement or loss)
• Soil compaction, roughness, development and characteristics
• % bare ground
• Soil roughness
• Surface resistance to disturbance
• Bulk density
• Hydraulic conductivity
• Particle size and erodibility
• Biocrusts
• Substrate biota
• Substrate deposition or loss rates
• Aggregate stability
• Water infiltration
Substrate - chemical•pH
• Salinity
• Macronutrients and micronutrients
• Heavy metals
• Rates of litter mass change
• Soil nutrient availability
• Electrical conductivity
• Radiation levels
• Other edaphic factors
Water chemo-physical• Depth to water table
• Water infiltration of soil/substrate
• Water holding capacity
• Changes to streamflow or channel flow
• Water temperature
• Turbidity
• Total dissolved solids
• Groundwater chemistry
• Wave energy
• Seston and/or Chlorophyll a concentrations
• Dissolved oxygen
• Peat humification
• Precipitation
• Evapotranspiration
Over-utilizationHarvesting rates of species
• Grazing rates
• Damage to vegetation
• Species composition
• Hydrological modifications across landscape
• Water harvesting
• Mining impacts
• Off-road vehicle use or damage
• Road density
• Degree of fragmentation
Native species richness (C)
Native species abundance (C)
Desirable plants, fungi, and lichens
Desirable animals
• Species richness and evenness
• Number of desirable indicator species
• Number of protected or threatened species
• Cover or other measures of abundance
• Functional diversity
• Species call counts
• Condition indices of keystone species
Invasive species (C)No undesirable species
Invasive species
• Threat of invasive species (e.g. nearby invasive crop, plantation, or garden species)
• Presence of invasive species onsite
• Relative richness of invasive versus native species
• Relative cover or abundance of invasive species
• Richness, cover, or frequency of other undesirable native species above and below ground
Ecosystem recovery (S)Resilience/recruitment• Resilience to disturbance
• Capability for self-replacement
• Species reproduction and recruitment
• Presence of different successional groups
Presence of contaminants (S)Contamination• Contamination from animal/livestock operations
• Industrial production facilities
• Mining impacts
• Oil and gas production facilities
• Agricultural nutrients and chemicals
• Urban pollution
• Air pollution
• Dumping of debris
• Acid, alkali, or salt production
Reproduction and dispersal mechanisms (S)Habitat links
Intraspecific gene flows
• Capability for self-replacement (growth rates, seedbanks, seedling recruitment over multiple generations)
• Species reproduction and recruitment (flowering, seed production, provision of seedbanks)
Ecosystem productivity (S)Productivity, cycling• Productivity (e.g., photosynthesis and growth)
• Demographics
Disturbance regimes (S)Other disturbance drivers• Characteristics of natural disturbance regimes
• Spatial disturbance properties
• Temporal disturbance properties
Carbon sequestration (H)Productivity, cycling• Carbon cycling and carbon budget
• Net primary production
• Carbon sequestration rate
• Woody biomass
• Dissolved inorganic carbon
• Particulate organic carbon
• Carbon flux
Climate change adaptation/disaster risk reduction (C)Resilience/recruitment• Resilience to disturbance
• Presence of different successional groups
Beneficial connectivity of native ecosystems (C)Landscape flows
Habitat links
Intraspecific gene flows
• Beneficial exchanges or flows with the surrounding environment
• Rate and quality of surface and groundwater flows
• Migrations and other movements of organisms
• Positive genetic flows of characteristic species
• Genetic connectivity (e.g., genomic data)
• Pollinator travel distance
• Gene flow distance and dynamics
• Connections with nearby remnant native vegetation
• Vegetation or wildlife corridors
• Habitat buffers
• Landscape level habitat patch mosaics, spatial area, history, and integrity
• Persistence and recovery of surrounding ecosystems
Degradation Causes (H)
Degradation Processes (S)
Invasive species
Other degradation drivers
• Unbalanced disturbance regimes (e.g., inappropriate fire intervals or intensity, flooding, streambank erosion or deposition, herbivory)
• Spatial disturbance properties
• Temporal disturbance properties
• Disease prevalence and intensity

Note: This table represents the ISF biophysical indicators mapped against the ecosystem sub-attributes used by the SER 5-star System with suggested examples of evidence that could be used to design restoration monitoring programmes
H = Headline, C = Core, S = Secondary
Sources: adapted from Gann, G. D., Walder, B., Gladstone, J., Manirajah, S. M., & Roe, S. 2022. Restoration project information sharing framework. Society for Ecological Restoration and Climate Focus.; and Gann, G.D., Mosyaftiani, A., Bartholomew, D., McDonald, T., Walder, B., Young, R., Dixon, K.W. 2024. Five-star System sub-attribute Table, V1.0, for SER's International principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration. Society for Ecological Restoration.

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