3FSFinancial Flows to Food Systems

AARRaverage annual rate of reduction

ADERaverage dietary energy requirement

AfDBAfrican Development Bank

AFSIL’Aquila Food Security Initiative

AGRAAlliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

AIartificial intelligence

ARCAFIMAfrica Rural Climate Adaptation Finance Mechanism

ARIMAXAutoregressive Integrated Moving Average with External Explanatory Variable

ASAPAnomaly hot Spots of Agriculture Production

ASFanimal source food

ASISAgriculture Stress Index System

AYIIArea Yield Index Insurance

BMIbody mass index

BRDDevelopment Bank of Rwanda

CGEcomputable general equilibrium

CITcorporate income tax

CNFChild Nutrition Fund

CoAHDcost and affordability of a healthy diet

COFOGClassification of the Functions of Government

CoHDcost of a healthy diet

COPConference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

CPIconsumer price index

CRSCreditor Reporting System

CVcoefficient of variation

CV|rCV due to energy requirements

CV|yCV due to income

DACDevelopment Assistance Committee

DAIDigital Adoption Index

DBMdouble burden of malnutrition

DECdietary energy consumption

DEGURBADegree of Urbanization

DESdietary energy supply

DFIdevelopment finance institution

DHSDemographic and Health Survey

DQQDiet Quality Questionnaire

DSFDebt Sustainability Framework

DSSIDebt Service Suspension Initiative

ENEestimates of national expenditure

ESGenvironmental, social and governance practices

EUROSTATStatistical Office of the European Union

FAOFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FBDGsfood-based dietary guidelines

FBSFood Balance Sheet

FDIforeign direct investment

FIESFood Insecurity Experience Scale

FIES-SMFood Insecurity Experience Scale Survey Module

FImod+sevprevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity

FIsevprevalence of severe food insecurity

FPOfarmer producer organization

GDPgross domestic product

GEAgovernment expenditure on agriculture

GFSGovernment Finance Statistics

GHGgreenhouse gas

GSSSgreen, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked bonds

GWPGallup© World Poll

HDBHealthy Diet Basket

HIChigh-income country

ICPInternational Comparison Program

IDAInternational Development Association

IDBInter-American Development Bank

IFAiron and folic acid

IFADInternational Fund for Agricultural Development

IFIinternational financial institution

IFPRIInternational Food Policy Research Institute

IMFInternational Monetary Fund

IPAFIndigenous Peoples Assistance Facility

IPC/CHIntegrated Food Security Phase Classification/Cadre Harmonisé

JMEJoint Child Malnutrition Estimates

KNOMADGlobal Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development

LDCleast developed country

LIClow-income country

LIC DSFDebt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries

LMIClower-middle-income country

LSMSLiving Standards Measurement Study

M&Amergers and acquisitions

MACCmarginal abasement cost curve

MAC-SRDSFSovereign Risk and Debt Sustainability Framework for Market Access Countries

MAFAPMonitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies

MCMCMarkov Chain Monte Carlo

MDAsministries, departments and agencies

MDBmultilateral development bank

MDD-WMinimum Dietary Diversity for Women

MDERminimum dietary energy requirement

MFIMultilateral Financial Institution

MICmiddle-income country

MNEmultinational enterprise

N3FNutritious Foods Financing Facility

NCDnon-communicable disease

NoUnumber of undernourished

NUAnumber of people unable to afford a healthy diet

ODAofficial development assistance

OECDOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OOFother official flows

PALphysical activity level

PIPPoverty and Inequality Platform

PoUprevalence of undernourishment

PPPpurchasing power parity

PPPspublic–private partnerships

PRGTPoverty Reduction and Growth Trust

PUAprevalence of unaffordability

R&Dresearch and development

RBFresults-based financing

RSTResilience and Sustainability Trust

SALWsmall arms and light weapons

SDstandard deviation

SDIsociodemographic index

SDGsSustainable Development Goals

SDRspecial drawing right

SMARTStandardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition

SMEsmall and medium enterprise

SSBsugar-sweetened beverage

STDsexually transmitted disease

SUASUnified Social Assistance System

TOSSDTotal Official Support for Sustainable Development

UIDunique identifier

UMICupper-middle-income country

UNCTADUnited Nations Trade and Development

UN DESAUnited Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

UNGAUnited Nations General Assembly

UN-HabitatUnited Nations Human Settlements Programme

UNICEFUnited Nations Children’s Fund

VMNISVitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System

WDIworld development indicators

WFPWorld Food Programme

WGIWorldwide Governance Indicators

WHAWorld Health Assembly

WHOWorld Health Organization

ZEFCenter for Development Research of the University of Bonn

ZVFzero vegetable or fruit

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