Table A10.1Moderate or severe food insecurity based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale across the rural–urban continuum (URCA) for selected high- and low-food-budget countries in Africa

NOTES: Margins of error are shown in parentheses and are not shown for sample size <100. They are not computed for sample size <30, except for Malawi, where the sample size is 80. All surveys are for 2018/19, except Malawi (2019/20). See Table 10 for the definition and list of high- and low-food-budget countriese.
SOURCE: Authors’ (FAO) own elaboration.
SOURCE: Authors’ (FAO) own elaboration.
Table A10.2Severe food insecurity based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale across the rural–urban continuum (URCA) in selected high- and low-food-budget countries in Africa

NOTES: Margins of error are shown in parentheses and are not shown for sample size <100. They are not computed for sample size <30, except for Malawi, where the sample size is 80. All surveys are for 2018/19, except Malawi (2019/20). See Table 10 for the definition and list of high- and low-food-budget countries.
SOURCE: Authors’ (FAO) own elaboration.
SOURCE: Authors’ (FAO) own elaboration.
Table A10.3Prevalence of malnutrition in children under five years of age across the rural–urban continuum (URCA) for three countries in Africa

NOTE: Prevalence of malnutrition in children under five years of age in three Western African countries, by URCA (2018).
SOURCE: Authors' (UNICEF) own elaboration.
SOURCE: Authors' (UNICEF) own elaboration.