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Guidelines : Good agricultural practices for family agriculture

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    Book (series)
    Good practices for the meat industry 2004
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    In recent years, public concern about the safety of foods of animal origin has heightened due to problems that have arisen with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), as well as with outbreaks of food-borne bacterial infections, and food contamination with toxic agents (e.g. dioxin). These problems have serious implications for national food safety, the development of the animal products industry and for international trade in livestock products. The purpose of this manual on Good pract ices for the meat industry is to provide updated comprehensive information and practical guidelines for the implementation of the new Code of hygienic practice for meat, when adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The publication is intended to guide managers of abattoirs and the meat industry. It will also be of value to veterinarians engaged in meat inspection, with their supervisory roles in meat hygiene. The manual is published in detachable modules and also serves as a trai ning resource.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    FAO Aquaculture Newsletter - December 1999 - No.23 1999
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    FAO Aquaculture Newsletter (FAN) is issued three times a year in the form of printed newsletter by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. It presents articles and views from the FAO aquaculture programme and highlights various aspects of aquaculture as seen from the perspective of both headquarters and the field programme. Articles are contributed by FAO staff from within and outside the Department, from FAO regional offices and field projects, by FAO consultants and, occasionally, by inv itation from other sources. FAN is distributed free of charge to all FAO member countries and has a current circulation of about 1 500 copies. It is also available online at:
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Training manual – Good agricultural practices (GAP) guidelines
    Volumes 1 and 2
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    Food safety is of immense importance and has been a major concern of the consumers, more than its nutritive value and quality. The global trade in food commodities has further necessitated compliance to food safety, hygiene and environmental sustainability. Food commodities produced through climate-smart ways in terms of compliance to good agricultural and environmentally sustainable standards can enhance produce/product competitiveness in the national and international markets. Moreover, food safety is integral to the food and nutrition security of the local population. Capacity building of relevant stakeholders, including GAPs farmers is imperative for the promotion of GAPs at farmers’ field level. The current training manual comprises of two volumes, volume one presents general GAP guidelines for food safety, product quality, environmental management and workers safety, hygiene and welfare in line with Myanmar and ASEAN GAP key criteria and compliance standards, while volume two focuses on target crops specific Good Agriculture Practices (GAPs) at pre and post-harvest stages including processing, packing/packaging. Additional resources on GAPs standards, especially FAO GAP schemes for fruits and vegetables were also consulted with relevant practices included in the manual.

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