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Meat processing technology for small- to medium-scale producers

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    Book (series)
    Good practices for the meat industry 2004
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    In recent years, public concern about the safety of foods of animal origin has heightened due to problems that have arisen with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), as well as with outbreaks of food-borne bacterial infections, and food contamination with toxic agents (e.g. dioxin). These problems have serious implications for national food safety, the development of the animal products industry and for international trade in livestock products. The purpose of this manual on Good pract ices for the meat industry is to provide updated comprehensive information and practical guidelines for the implementation of the new Code of hygienic practice for meat, when adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The publication is intended to guide managers of abattoirs and the meat industry. It will also be of value to veterinarians engaged in meat inspection, with their supervisory roles in meat hygiene. The manual is published in detachable modules and also serves as a trai ning resource.
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    Book (series)
    Principes and practices of small- and medium-scale fruit juice processing 2001
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    The purpose of this publication is to present technical and business information designed to address issues facing small and medium-size juice processors along with insights into the theory and practice of juice and juice beverage processing and utilization. Both major and minor fruits will be covered with emphasis upon limited-resource producers for local markets. Unique, high-quality juice products can secure a niche position. With attention to quality, value, safety, health, and an innovative approach to these parameters, a manufacturer can move beyond the niche category and become a major player. This is a more difficult but feasible task. There are some general principles that should be understood by anyone contemplating entering the juice processing business. Many aspects of production, postharvest handling, food safety, quality, unit operations, processing, and packaging procedures, as well as regulatory control, are common to practically all juice products. Then there are a number of product-specific details, dependent upon the morphology, composition, and character of the individual fruit. This publication will provide adequate details so interested parties can either improve existing operations or develop new processing establishments. Potential capabilities include adding value to local agricultural products, providing employment, augmenting the quality, safety, economy, and diversity of the local food supply.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Capacit y Building for Surveillance and Prevention of BSE and Other Zoonotic Diseases
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    To support countries with economies in transition and developing countries in the control and prevention of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the project Capacity Building for Surveillance and Prevention of BSE and Other Zoonotic Diseases, is the result of collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Safe Food Solutions Inc. (SAFOSO, Switzerland) and national veterinary offices in partner countries, and funded by the Government of Switz erland. The aim of the project is to build capacity, establish preventive measures and analyse risks for BSE. Partner countries are thus enabled to decrease their BSE risk to an acceptable level or demonstrate that their BSE risk is negligible, and thereby facilitate regional and international trade under the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) of the World Trade Organization (WTO). A brief project summary is included as an appendix to this course manual.

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