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Kenya Flash Appeal 2017

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    South Sudan Situation Report – July 2017 2017
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    A concerted and massive humanitarian response is containing famine in Unity State, with the number of people in famine conditions in the county down from a projected 90 000 to 25 000. However, hunger continues to spread across the country with 6 million people now severely food insecure. Of these, 1.7 million people – increased from 1 million in February – are at risk of famine (IPC Phase 4). In addition, 20 000 people in Ayod County of Greater Jonglei, where food security is deteriorating rapid ly, are facing famine conditions. Armed conflict, a continued economic crisis and below-average 2016 harvests, which were exhausted well before the ongoing lean season, are the main drivers of the worsening food security. In Greater Equatoria, and particularly some of South Sudan’s most productive areas, fighting has severely disrupted agricultural activities and markets, forcing huge numbers of the population to flee to Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo and causing many to miss th e 2017 main planting season. Acute malnutrition remains a major emergency in many parts of the country, driven by conflict, displacement, poor access to services, disease outbreaks, extremely poor diet (quality and quantity) and low coverage of sanitation facilities.
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    South Sudan Situation Report – May 2017 2017
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    Famine is ongoing in Unity State, with one in five households affected in Leer. Since the declaration of famine on 20 February, there has been a massive response from the international community. Despite this, the food crisis continues to worsen, as many have faced severe food insecurity for over a year. The situation is likely to deteriorate in Jonglei and Upper Nile in the next three months, with some pockets of northern Jonglei becoming increasingly isolated. The first rains arrived on time, and drought is abating in the semi-arid southeast of the country, providing much needed relief for Greater Kapoeta and Pibor. The IPC is currently being revised and the latest analysis will be released in the first week of June. Displacement figures continue to rise, as of the end of April, 1.9 million people were internally displaced within South Sudan, and a further 1.83 million people have fled to neighbouring countries. The South Sudanese Pound (SSP) has devalued, as the economic crisis cont inues.
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    Somalia Situation Report – June 2017 2017
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    Extended drought and consecutive poor harvests have impacted rural livelihoods and food security in Somalia, pushing the country to the brink of famine. Some 6.7 million people currently face acute food insecurity (IPC Phases 2, 3 & 4), with the majority – 68 percent – of severely food insecure people (IPC phases 3 & 4) in rural areas (2.2 million). Rural areas are home to nine in ten people at greatest risk. The worst has so far been averted via a combination of interventions, including cash tr ansfers and livelihood support delivered by FAO at massive scale in rural areas. The April–June rains are critical to Somalia’s main Gu growing season and help rejuvenate rangelands; this year they started late and have been below average in most areas. Precipitation did allow crops to germinate, though yields in rainfed areas will depend on the level and distribution of rain during the remainder of the season. Forecasting suggests precipitation is tapering off and will end up below-average. Sti ll, rains have improved rangeland conditions and partially filled water catchments, providing some relief for pastoralists and their livestock. Animal body conditions are expected to improve. Disease continues to compound needs and impact food security, and displacement has somewhat slowed recently due to a variety of factors.

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