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Improving Resilience and Nutrition in Mali - GCP/MLI/041/GER

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    Book (series)
    Terminal evaluation of the project "Mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches to climate-resilient rural livelihoods in vulnerable rural areas through the farmer field school methodology
    Project code: GCP/SEN/065/LDF GEF ID: 5503
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    This terminal evaluation covers the project "Mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches to climate-resilient rural livelihoods in vulnerable rural areas through the farmer field school (FFS) methodology", funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The overall performance of the project is moderately satisfactory. The project is relevant in its response to climate change adaptation needs in Senegal. It is coherent in its design and is in phase with the Plan Senegal Emergent (PSE). The evaluation found that the project has contributed to capacity building of institutional actors and farmers organizations on climate change adaptation, resilience and gender equity. Notable results include: capacity building of technicians, relay producers, farmers and agro-pastoralists on good practices of adaptation to climate change, through the field-school approach; the establishment of a climate resilience fund that has allowed to finance micro-projects in rural area; the dissemination of agro-climatic information; trainings on adapted climate change practices at the farmfer field school (FFS) and agropastoral field school (APFS) level.
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    Amélioration de la Résilience et de la Nutrition au Mali - GCP/MLI/041/GER 2019
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    Les conditions de vie des populations du nord du Mali avaient été considérablement fragilisées par la crise politico-sécuritaire de 2012 et la répétition d'événements climatiques extrêmes. Les indicateurs d’insécurité alimentaire et de malnutrition chronique s'étaient dégradés, l’accès des communautés aux services sociaux de base avait diminué, des pertes de bétail et un déclin significatif de la production agricole avaient été enregistrés. Le projet financé par l'Allemagne devait renforcer l’état nutritionnel, l’autonomisation des femmes et la résilience des moyens d’existence de 3 000 ménages agro-pasteurs vulnérables du cercle de Bandiagara dans la région de Mopti, à travers l’approche «caisses de résilience» de la FAO.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Fostering food purchase programmes in widespread poverty contexts 2017
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    This paper presents the programming approach adopted in Niger to implement food purchases for food assistance and provide procurement preferential treatment for small-scale family farming food outputs. The study provides a detailed description of the selection of farmers and discusses the main constrains faced in a pilot scale and introduces an analysis of challenges and opportunities of the approach for broader Governmental initiatives of food procurement.

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