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Safety at Sea - A Safety Guide for Small Offshore Fishing Boats - BOBP/MAG/16

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    Safety at Sea - Safety Guide for Small Fishing Boats- BOBP/REP/112 2009
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    Fishing is a very dangerous occupation with a high accident risk. Experience has shown that it is often when a fishery develops from traditional sail-powered craft and near shore fishing to motorized craft venturing further out to sea and with new fishing methods that accidents happen. In many developing countries, fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP) boats are replacing traditional wooden boats and this new construction material requires new thinking when it comes to strength, stability and the ability to keep afloat when swamped. It is often difficult to do something about boats already in operation, but significant safety measures can be incorporated at relatively low cost in boats yet to be built. Close cooperation between the government departments responsible for safety legislation and the boatyards is required. The purpose of this safety guide is to present simple measures to ensure that new boats will satisfy internationally accepted safety standards. The target group c onsists of boat designers, boatbuilders, boat owners, skippers and government officials responsible for drafting new regulations and for safety supervision. This safety guide is not intended to be comprehensive and deal with all kinds of safety issues, but it will highlight the main problems and indicate what practical measures can be taken to avoid them. The guide mainly deals with small boats of less than 15min length, which, from experience are most prone to accidents. The Food and Agricu lture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are working together to draft new safety recommendations for decked fishing boats of less than 12 m and undecked fishing boats of any length. This work is expected to be finalized by 2010. The present guide is a revision of BOBP/MAG/16: A safety guide for small offshore fishing vessels issued by the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) in 1993. The main chang e is that this publication not only focuses on small offshore fishing boats in the 10-13 m range, but also includes smaller coastal boats. The revision has benefited from recent work regarding the safety of small craft as given below. FAO/SIDA/IMO/BOBP-IGO
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    Guide to simple repairs of FRP boats in a tropical climate 2010
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    This guide to simple repairs of FRP boats was developed to address simple repairs that can be carried out by fishing boat owners or others who do not have the necessary expertise. A great deal of repair work is done by boat owners, including work that should have been carried out by FRP experts, because the owners might have difficulties in finding a skilled FRP boatbuilder or taking the boat to a boatyard for proper repair work. This booklet gives simple guidance to owners or laminators on how to carry out good simple FRP repair on the beach, the pitfalls and the do’s and don’ts. It also advises when a skilled FRP expert should be contacted because of the complexity of the repair work.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Small Offshore Fishing Boats in Sri Lanka - BOBP/REP/61 1993
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    The Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) was invited in the early Eighties by the Shri Lankan Ministry of Fisheries to evaluate the offshore fisheries and the fishing craft being used in it. The evaluation was done by a consultant, O Gulbrandsen, Naval Architect. Subsequent to this evaluation, BOBP helped to develop and introduce two small multiday offshore fishing boats, the SRL-34 and the SRL-15. When Shri Lankan fishermen began fishing further offshore, more and more boats began to disappear a t sea. The BOBP was requested to provide assistance for studying the reasons for the disappearances and to help in making recommendations for the development of search-and-rescue facilities for the island’s fishermen. A consultant (U Hallberg) studied the facilities available and prepared a report which was submitted to the Ministry of Fisheries. Similarly, another consultant (E Dahle) studied the safety aspects of boat construction and prepared a draft of regulations for consideration by the Mi nistry. This report summarizes BOBP’s assistance provided in offshore fishing boat development and related safety-at-sea aspects. The work started under the SIDA funded project “Development of Small-scale Fisheries” GCP/RAS/040/SWE and was concluded under “Small-scale Fisherfolk Communities” GCP/RAS/l18/MUL funded jointly by DANIDA and SIDA.

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