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I Benefici degli alberi urbani

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    Towards transformation of agricultural landscapes: Determination of agroforestry tree species producing beneficial ecosystem services to local farmers in Nigeria
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The aim of this study is to transform agricultural landscapes through incorporating tree species that produce ecosystem services beneficial to local farmers. To achieve this, the study assessed existing diversity of tree species producing ecosystem services in agricultural farmlands in selected local communities of southwest Nigeria. The information obtained will then be used to design strategy for intensification of agroforestry tree species for transformation of agricultural landscapes. Purposive sampling was employed in selecting 66 local farmers who has personal farmlands. Information on available tree species and their diversification on farmlands were obtained through inventory and field observation. Primary information obtained through questionnaire administration include ecosystem services provided by trees on the farmlands. A total of 38 forest tree species (24 families) were identified on the different farmlands. Provisioning services dominated the ecosystem services benefits obtained by the farmers and their households. The study has revealed the different ecosystem services provided by forest trees on farmlands. Meanwhile, most of the farmers prefer trees that meet their personal needs. This means for proper adoption of forest trees at local level in agroforestry system, such trees must be able to meet local demands by providing some of their basic needs. The basic needs range from food to medicines, energy, cultural benefits, among others. Meeting of such needs are sometimes location specifics, hence the needto carry out adequate survey of such needs for intended intervention strategy. Keywords: Agriculture, forest tree species, farmlands, provisioning services, ecosystem serviceId ID:3480958
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    Poster, banner
    Benefici degli alberi urbani 2016
    Gli alberi urbani di grandi dimensioni fungono da eccellente filtro per gli inquinanti urbani e il particolato fine. Un singolo albero può assorbire fino a 150 kg di CO2 all’anno e sequestrare carbonio dall’atmosfera, contribuendo così a mitigare il cambiamento climatico. Gli alberi forniscono habitat, cibo e protezione per piante ed animali, aumentando così la biodiversità urbana. Piantare alberi oggi è indispensabile per il benessere delle generazioni future!
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    FAO Kids: Benefici dei legumi per la salute 2021
    Questo fumetto, pubblicato in occasione dell’Anno Internazionale dei Legumi 2016, evidenzia i benefici nutrizionali dei legumi. Presenta ai bambini i rischi della malnutrizione e il ruolo fondamentale dei legumi come parte di una dieta salutare. Il fumetto è parte della serie “FAO Kids”. I FAO Kids sono cinque supereroi con la missione di sradicare la fame e la malnutrizione, eliminare la povertà e assicurare un uso sostenibile delle risorse naturali per rendere il mondo un posto migliore.

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