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Addressing local stakeholders’ priorities on the development process of action plans for forest landscape restoration in Atlantic Forest Biome, Brazil

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Network of seed collectors in the Paraíba Valley-Brazil: Collective action for local restoration and development 2022
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    The Direct Seeding method based on large quantities of seeds, increased the demand for seeds, is a virtuous process of cooperation between actors in the restoration chain, generating jobs and income for local communities (ANTONIAZZI et al., 2021). The objective of this article is to present the Vale do Paraíba Seed Collectors Network as an emerging action of environmental governance and its contributions to ecological restoration in degraded areas of the Paraíba Valley, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The Vale do Paraíba region is located in the Paraíba Sul River basin. The region has 2,26 thousand inhabitants and the water produced supplies two metropolitan regions: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The current remaining vegetation of the Atlantic Forest shows a lot of alteration with few extensive conserved areas, which limits faunal activity (DEVIDE et al, 2014). In the region, extensive cattle raising occupies about 50% of the productive areas in most municipalities. Direct seeding is strongly recommended for pasture areas with little or no natural regeneration. Due to the characteristics of the region, the sloping land, like a sea of hills, requires the non-use of heavy agricultural implements. It is a labor intensive activity, with great opportunities to generate work and income for the community (ROCHA et al., 2020). In recent years, the network of native seed collectors in the Paraíba Valley was initiated in partnership with the Caminhos da Semente Initiative and local organizations. Only in 2020-2021 was there a restoration of 24.49 ha in four different municipalities in the Valley, using direct seeding with part of the seeds collected locally. More than 2,253 kg of seeds were collected and processed, involving 43 collectors from 12 municipalities. About 31,210 dollars were paid to collectors. At the same time, the project fostered the establishment of agroforestry systems in the collectors' family units, ensuring food security and the sustainability of the chain (REDE AGROFLORESTAL DO VALE DO PARAÍBA, 2021). Keywords: Ecosystem Services, Payments for Environmental Services, Public Policy, Environmental ID: 3624113
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    The social engagement in the forest landscape restoration (FLR): An experience with restoration opportunity assessment methodology in Minas Gerais, Brazil
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The Northern Gualaxo watershed in the Rio Doce basin in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, directly affected by the rupture of the mining tailings dam in 2015, among the actions to mitigation and compensation to reduce the impacts the Renova Foundation has applied the Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM). ROAM is a toolbox that aims to support forest landscape restoration (FLR) planning process. The approach includes the engagement of local actors through discussions about motivation factors to join FLR efforts and the current situation of enabling conditions in the territory. All the analysis conducted under the ROAM application process had been validated by stakeholders and though these activities the governance local has strengthened. The results identified that income generation, water quality improvement and engagement were the three main motivational factors. From that, a spatial analysis identified the estimated areas that could support each of this factors that could support the establishment of the priorities in a land use planning process in the region. Also, based on the collective discussions the main identified gaps to implement FLR activities were the products commercialization, technical assistance, social engagement, and scalability. Based on this experience, strategies for solutions are being proposed and implemented in order to provide an enable environment FLR agenda with a strong social engagement in the process. Keywords: governance, forest landscape management ID: 3624093
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    Hydrological drought risk evaluation in context of climate-resilient water regulation, conservation and restoration of hydrographic basin biomes of Brazil
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Understanding the role of forests in the global sustainable development agenda as well as the context of critical environmental and socioeconomic issues related to climate change are relevant aspects for the present day. Water scarcity and ecosystem restoration are major challenges on a local and global scale. This article attempts to address the main aspects of integrated water resources management, climate change and sustainable development in Brazil in recent decades. It is a fact that we need tools for climate-resilient water management approaches for the diverse biomes of the world. An analysis of the current model of the water-climate-forest nexus and an analysis of the integration of policies and governance in Brazil are presented with an emphasis on aspects of water regulation, conservation and restoration of hydrographic basin biomes. In the last two decades, the Southeast and Northeast Brazil are experiencing one of its worst periods of severe drought. Multi-purpose uses reservoirs were constructed to alleviate water shortage problems via redistributing water resources with temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity. Thus, a resilient approach to drought risk management, including reservoir operation methodologies for water scarcity situations, considering reliability, vulnerability and resilience are presented. The applicability of multi-seasonal streamflow generation models for hydrological drought risk evaluation is discussed. Five cases studies of reservoir operation rules as mitigation and adaptation strategies for building a green and resilient future with forests and watershed basins, belonging to three important biomes (savanna, caatinga and Atlantic Forest) are showed: the cases of Paraíba do Sul hydrographic basin (Rio de Janeiro), Cantareira reservoirs system (São Paulo) and the São Francisco river basin systems, including the Interbasin Water Transfer – PISF Project, the Piancó-Piranhas-Açu river basin and the Bocaina reservoir watershed. Keywords: Adaptive and integrated management, Climate change, Economic development, Policies, Governance. ID: 3623987

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