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Communicative competence in the English language, a tool at the service of Forest science. Materials for its development

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Examining visitor feedback on communication education and public awareness materials of an ASEAN heritage park
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    In the Philippines, ecotourism offers both opportunities and threats to natural and social environment. Sustainable and responsible ecotourism is important to minimize the threats. Mount Makiling Forest Reserve ASEAN Heritage Park (MMFR AHP) as an ecotourism destination continues to serve as a recreational area for the public being the nearest mountain to the capital city, Manila. Effectiveness of the visitor management strategies depend highly on communication. The study aimed to assess the perception of visitors on the communication education and public awareness (CEPA) materials of the MMFR AHP. Results showed that the CEPA materials in MMFR AHP, the 160 respondents identified as useful are directional signs (70%); map (67%); videos (51%); brochures (50%); and flyers (40%). The materials serve as guide, additional information, raises awareness, directions, and estimate distance to respondents. Suggested CEPA materials include trivia boards about MMFR AHP and its resources, exhibit, souvenirs, and infographic materials about flora and fauna. Respondents prefer to learn more about in MMFR AHP include history, natural resources, biodiversity, benefits, and role in influencing art, culture, and society, especially in the locality of MMFR AHP. The study confirmed the effectiveness of the materials to visitors, enhanced awareness, and that different groups of respondents needs different ways of communicating and promoting resources based on their interest. Furthermore, helped in shaping the visitor management strategies for MMFR AHP such as communicating conservation through interpretation program and development of package tour and carrying capacity standards. Development of other CEPA materials and programs to capture responsible visitors, featuring the uniqueness of different points of interests of MMFR AHP, and strengthening the educators for nature tourism for visitors to be more aware on what MMFR AHP can offer and the importance of the natural resources. Keywords: Visitor perception, Protected area management, Park interpretation ID: 3623356
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    Stock-taking report: food biotechnology communication materials in the world
    Background paper for the 2020 technical consultation meetings on developing a communication toolkit about food biotechnologies
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    During the Global Community Meeting on the FAO GM Foods Platform, held in September 2019, many participants expressed the strong need for a set of impartial and science-based communication materials that would address the communication challenges at a national level around food biotechnologies. To address this need, FAO, in collaboration with Kenya’s National Biosafety Authority and scientific and consumer education/communication experts, initiated the process of developing a communication toolkit on food biotechnologies. The toolkit is to be used by governmental agencies that assess the safety of foods derived from biotechnologies to better communicate with the general public. The toolkit will contain a series of guiding documents with various sample materials. The target users of the toolkit itself are the food safety and biosafety competent authorities in the government sector, whereas the sample materials are for the general public. A step-by-step approach has been planned to develop the sample materials with the first steps being the analysis of existing consumer education and communication materials worldwide, the identification of gaps in the information that is needed for consumers to gain a better understanding, and the selection of consumer education and communication materials to be used as a basis to develop sample materials. This document summarizes these initial steps.
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    International Conference on Forest Education: Breakout Group 2.2 2021
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    Education and learning in the postmodern era are about social practices in the form of autonomy, adaptation, application, and expression. Digital technologies are disrupting the field of education in various ways, however, the human input by a teacher is still of the essence. Educators at all levels of education are thus in a key role in terms of teaching performance and thus learning outcomes. Session 2.2. is focusing on the important and challenging aspect of teaching competence. With teaching competency, we mean pedagogical knowledge, skills, motives and attitudes, and experiences as a teacher that makes the teacher’s work effectively in a specific context. The session is limited to vocational and tertiary level forest education and takes a perspective of administrators and teachers on teaching competency and recruitment processes. Especially, the focus is on recruitment, development, and compensation schemes related to teaching competence. Tools for teaching competence documentation include for instance credits in pedagogical education, Curriculum Vitae, teaching/academic portfolio, and teaching demonstrations. These practices are based both on traditional conventions and values of educational units and formal rules and regulations set at different levels. Seemingly, there is a strong need to develop the evaluation practices of teaching competency. The perspective in the session is that of administrators and teachers. In order to develop and streamline recruitment processes, we need to analyze the challenges that leaders and other administrators are facing – without forgetting the applicants during recruitment processes. The recruitment process and the way teaching competence is conceptualized during recruitment most likely have implications for how the applicants eventually develop their teaching competence during a teaching career. There are several ways in which teachers are supported and incentivized for developing their competence, including the tenure track system, formal training, certification and auditing, networking, peer-review, and compensations (salary and other rewards). Examples of these systems are introduced and discussed during the session.

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