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Syrian Arab Republic | Project update

Building resilience of the crisis-affected vulnerable farmers and herders

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    Syrian Arab Republic. Project update
    Improving dairy production, preserving livestock assets, preventing malnutrition and increasing resilience of livelihoods
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    Ten years of conflict, insecurity and displacements in the Syrian Arab Republic have resulted in a continuing deterioration of the humanitarian situation. In response, the Food and Agriculture Organziation of the United Nations, supported by the International Islamic Charity Organization, is implementing a project to increase livelihood assets and improve households’ skill sets, which will strengthen rural livelihoods and resilience in one of the most severely crisis-affected regions. The project will improve the reproductive performance of 1 000 dairy cows and 1 000 sheep in order to increase the milk production capacity of 1 250 small-scale farmers and sheep herders.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Syrian Arab Republic: Humanitarian Response Plan 2023 2023
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    With the conflict now in its thirteenth year, the Syrian Arab Republic continues to face insecurity, economic crisis, drought-like conditions and severe agroclimatic fluctuations. An estimated 12.1 million people are food insecure, of which 49 percent live in rural areas. Without urgent support, an additional 2.9 million people are at risk of becoming food insecure. Humanitarian response to support farming and livestock‑keeping families with restoring their production is critical. Every USD 1 invested to help a farmer grow wheat yields more than 4.5 times its value in staple food produced, for that family, their local community and markets.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Syrian Arab Republic: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024 2024
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    Thirteen years of conflict and an enduring economic crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic continue to drive humanitarian needs, disrupt agriculture and weaken the country’s food production capacity. The situation worsened significantly after the earthquakes of February 2023. Inflation, high food prices and a declining economy have pushed more than half of the population into acute food insecurity, with millions more at risk. The resulting increased cost of humanitarian response emphasizes the need for cost-effective solutions. Investing in emergency agricultural assistance is crucial. For example, every USD 1 invested in local wheat production yields around four times its value in food produced.

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