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Brochure World Food Day 2017

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Brochure de la Journée Mondiale de l’Alimentation 2017 2017
    Les actions humanitaires et de développement répondant aux besoins immédiats et offrant des solutions durables sont capitales pour relever le défi de la migration. Les mouvements massifs de population constituent aujourd'hui des enjeux complexes qui appellent une action mondiale. En travaillant vers l'Objectif de développement durable (ODD) n°2 –Faim zéro- nous pouvons affronter bon nombre des problèmes à l'origine des migrations tout en générant des progrès sociaux et économiques et un enviro nnement durable.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Conflict, migration and food security 2017
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    Protracted conflicts are the main cause of the rise in forced migration. People living in rural areas and dependent on agriculture are affected the most, as most of today’s civil strife takes place in such contexts. The symptoms are evident, but the realities behind these symptoms tend to be complex. The ways in which conflict can cause food insecurity and the ways in which both conflict and food insecurity cause people to flee their livelihoods differ from context to context. Forced movements o f people and food insecurity may also fuel conflict. Responses should start from a proper understanding of the root causes underlying conflicts, movements of people and persistent food insecurity. In all these contexts, humanitarian aid is needed to prevent food crises and famines to occur in such situations, but no lasting solutions can be expected if programmes and support measures do not aim to help provide people with the means to rebuild their livelihoods, thus addressing some of the root c auses of conflict and migration. Restoring agriculture and food production and rural livelihoods will be key in most settings.
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    Strengthening sector policies for better food security and nutrition results: Rural Migration
    Policy Guidance Note No. 10
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    Migration is part of the development process and can contribute to achieving food and nutrition security, although tangible benefits and opportunities are maximized when adequate policies are in place and decent working conditions are ensured. The relation between migration, food security and nutrition is complex and very much context-specific. On the one hand, food and nutrition insecurity is among the root causes of migration out of rural areas, together with other socio-economic factors. On the other hand, migration can have different impacts – positive or negative – on the four dimensions of food security. Strengthening policy coherence is crucial to harness the development potential of migration for food security and nutrition. In particular, policy interventions need to both reduce the pressure to migrate, by addressing the root causes of migration, and ensure safe, orderly and regular movements of people. This guidance note illustrates policy changes that have proved successful in ensuring greater synergy between the rural migration and food security and nutrition policy agendas.

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