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Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Post Deyr 2010/11

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    Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Post Gu 2012 2012
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    The findings of the FSNAU, FEWS NET and partner post- Gu 2012 seasonal assessment results indicate continued improvements in food security and nutrition situation in Somalia. During a famine year of 2011, over 4 million people, or more than half of the population of Somalia were facing an acute food security crisis. In the post_Gu 2012, an estimated 2.12 million people, or 28 percent of the country’s population, remain in acute food security crisis (IPC Phases 3 and 4) for the August to December 2012 period. This indicates a 16 percent reduction from the beginning of the year. 53.7 percent of the food insecure are classified in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) in urban and rural areas, 7.9 percent are classified in Emergency (IPC Phase 4) in urban and rural areas, and 38.4 percent are IDPs in a food security crisis. In addition, an estimated 1.7 million people in rural and urban areas are classified in Stressed phase (IPC Phase 2). The improved situation is attributed to sustained humanitarian int erventions over the last twelve months, improved food stocks at the household and market levels following an exceptional January 2012 Deyr harvest, improved milk availability and higher livestock prices in most pastoral areas of Somalia. Despite the decrease of the population in need, the total remains among the world’s largest. Lifesaving humanitarian assistance remains necessary between now and December to help food insecure populations meet immediate food needs, protect livelihoods, and build resilience.
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    Special Report: FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Sri Lanka
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    An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited Sri Lanka from 12 to 29 March 2017 at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture to estimate the 2016/17 main maha paddy production, to forecast the ongoing 2017 secondary yala paddy production and to analyse household food security conditions. The request was prompted by a prolonged period of poor rainfall over most of the country throughout 2016 that raised serious concerns on production of paddy and other crops in 2017 as we ll as on livestock. The Mission assessed the impact of the dry weather on the 2017 main-crop harvest and estimated the expected food deficit for 2017. The Mission assessed the overall food-security situation and identified the main country’s agricultural support needs until the next main harvest.
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    Safeguarding food and livelihoods security through unconditional cash transfer and emergency livestock
    Project fact sheet
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    This project fact sheet summarizes the key aspects of this project, Safeguarding food and livelihoods security through unconditional cash transfer and emergency livestock, objective, budget, geographical scope, people assisted, assistance modalities, crosscutting issues and SDGs contribution. The key objective of this project is to protect food and nutrition security by boosting the livelihoods and productive capacities of poor, vulnerable men and women in these at-risk communities during the La Niña induced drought months.

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