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Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Post Gu 2012

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    Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Post Deyr 2010/11 2011
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    The findings of the FSNAU, FEWSNET and partner post Deyr 2010/11 seasonal assessment indicate that the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Somalia has increased by 20 percent to 2.4 million.This represents 32 percent of Somalia’s 7.5 million people. Failure of the Deyr seasonal rains linked to prevailing La Niña event affecting Somalia, caused a severe water crisis in most parts of the country with the exception of north-western regions. The dry conditions have also resulted i n substantial crop harvest failure in the South and Central crop-producing regions. The resulting dramatic increases in the prices of water and local cereals are the main drivers of the deteriorating food security situation in Somalia. The situation is exacerbated by the sustained conflict, which continues to be the primary reason of displacement affecting southern and central parts of the country. FSNAU identifies about 910,000 of Internally Displaced Populations (IDPs) as a single population i n crisis; in addition, 945,000 people in Acute Food and Livelihood Crisis (AFLC) and 535,000 in Humanitarian Emergency (HE) are concentrated in rural and urban areas.
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    GIEWS Special Alert No. 350 - Somalia, 27 September 2022
    Unless humanitarian assistance is urgently scaled up, famine is expected in late 2022 due to unprecedented multi‑season drought
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    Famine is expected to occur in Bay Region between October and December 2022, if humanitarian assistance is not urgently scaled up. About 6.7 million people, over 40 percent of the total population, are projected to face severe acute food insecurity, including over 300 000 people in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe). The dire food insecurity situation is the consequence of a prolonged drought that began in late 2020, compounded by the protracted conflict and hikes in international prices of foodstuffs and fuel caused by the war in Ukraine. As meteorological forecasts point to below-average October–December 2022 “Deyr” rains, food security conditions are expected to deteriorate.
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    Emergency Support to Improve Food Security and Agriculture-Based Subsistence Livelihoods of Drought-Affected Population in Balochistan and Sindh Provinces of Pakistan - TCP/PAK/3705 2022
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    Pakistan has an estimated population of around 208 million, with 40 9 million living below the national poverty line The country is not only prone to natural disasters that adversely impact the food security and livelihoods of its inhabitants, but is also vulnerable to climatic changes that are expected to increase the occurrence and severity of droughts in the southern part of the country, especially in Balochistan and Sindh provinces, where between 65 and 95 percent of the population lives in rural areas Drought is increasingly common in these provinces, with serious consequences on food security, livestock, crops, water resources, the environment and aquifers In August 2018 the Provincial Disaster Management Authority of Sindh identified 513 villages in eight districts of Sindh as calamity hit (drought affected) In December 2018 18 districts in Balochistan were identified as calamity hit by the PDMA, Balochistan Both Sindh and Balochistan provinces have a high prevalence of poverty and food insecurity The incidence of multidimensional poverty is 43 percent and 71 percent in Sindh and Balochistan respectively, and even higher in rural areas According to the preliminary results of a National Nutrition Survey in 2018 global acute malnutrition rates are above emergency thresholds in most drought affected districts A Sindh drought needs assessment conducted in October 2018 classified between 32 and 36 percent of HHs 0 72 0 89 million people) as severely food insecure and 1 1 6 million people classified as moderately food insecure A similar assessment conducted in 14 drought affected districts of Balochistan in January 2019 indicated that 58 percent of surveyed HHs experienced moderate or severe hunger In response to the drought emergency in the two provinces the PDMAs declared a state of calamity in the affected districts while the NDMA requested the United Nations System to activate an emergency response coordination system A drought response plan for emergency support to 2 1 million people in the prioritized districts was developed, with a funding requirement of USD 96 3 million in January 2019 to be led by FAO and the World Food Programme ( The current project was developed to provide immediate emergency assistance to extremely food insecure drought affected agro pastoralist communities in the provinces of Balochistan (in Nushki and Chaghi districts) and Sindh (in Umerkot and Sanghar districts) The project would also conduct an Integrated Food Security Phase Classification ( acute food insecurity.

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