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ProjectHand-In-Hand Initiative: Enhance Impact of Strategic Policy Frameworks for a Favourable Private Sector Environment to Transform Agriculture Sector - TCP/MOZ/3805 2024
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No results found.In 2020, Mozambique had an estimated population of around 29.5 million, with two-thirds living in rural areas. The agricultural sector employed 75 percent of the population, highlighting the heavy reliance of Mozambicans on natural resource-based activities such as rainfed agriculture for their livelihoods. Fragmented, inefficient, and fragile food systems in Mozambique, compounded by susceptibility to various shocks and stressors like weather events, pandemics, and conflict, have led to an inability to adequately address the food and nutritional requirements of the expanding population, thereby negatively affecting food security, nutrition, and the overall economy. This challenge is exacerbated by the limited coping mechanisms and resilience capacity of affected communities, alongside pre-existing social and economic inequalities. The agribusiness sector's competitiveness is weakened by underlying factors, resulting in its potential being largely untapped and hindered by disorganized, informal, and inefficient value chains, inadequate farm investment, low production and productivity, and minimal value addition, necessitating support for the development of an inclusive and robust agribusiness sector. -
BookletAnnual report on private sector engagement 2023 2024Engagement with the private sector represents an opportunity for FAO to more efficiently deliver on its mandate, advance progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and ensure better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all, leaving no one behind. FAO’s Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-2025 encourages a more open, proactive approach to working with the private sector to bring about transformative change and innovation, as well as sustainable impact and benefits. This report looks at how FAO's engagement with the private sector developed during in 2023, the third year of implementation of this strategy. It documents major achievements and lessons learned during the year, explores the diversity of private sector landscapes across FAO’s five regions, and outlines priorities for the year to come.
Booklet2023年私营部门合作年度报告 2024私营部门是重要的战略合作伙伴,并将继续发挥关键作用,支持各国和全球履行实现可持续发展目标的承诺,推广发展解决方案。私营部门参与农业粮食体系的一系列关键领域,对经济、社会和环境的可持续发展产生影响,这意味着利用私营部门的创新、投资和技术对实现可持续发展目标至关重要。距离实现《2030年议程》各项目标的既定期限还有六年,联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)积极行动,推动与私营部门的合作转向更具影响力和推广性的协作方式,以帮助各国在实现可持续发展目标方面取得进展。
ProjectHand-In-Hand Initiative: Enhance Impact of Strategic Policy Frameworks for a Favourable Private Sector Environment to Transform Agriculture Sector - TCP/MOZ/3805 2024
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No results found.In 2020, Mozambique had an estimated population of around 29.5 million, with two-thirds living in rural areas. The agricultural sector employed 75 percent of the population, highlighting the heavy reliance of Mozambicans on natural resource-based activities such as rainfed agriculture for their livelihoods. Fragmented, inefficient, and fragile food systems in Mozambique, compounded by susceptibility to various shocks and stressors like weather events, pandemics, and conflict, have led to an inability to adequately address the food and nutritional requirements of the expanding population, thereby negatively affecting food security, nutrition, and the overall economy. This challenge is exacerbated by the limited coping mechanisms and resilience capacity of affected communities, alongside pre-existing social and economic inequalities. The agribusiness sector's competitiveness is weakened by underlying factors, resulting in its potential being largely untapped and hindered by disorganized, informal, and inefficient value chains, inadequate farm investment, low production and productivity, and minimal value addition, necessitating support for the development of an inclusive and robust agribusiness sector. -
BookletAnnual report on private sector engagement 2023 2024Engagement with the private sector represents an opportunity for FAO to more efficiently deliver on its mandate, advance progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and ensure better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all, leaving no one behind. FAO’s Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-2025 encourages a more open, proactive approach to working with the private sector to bring about transformative change and innovation, as well as sustainable impact and benefits. This report looks at how FAO's engagement with the private sector developed during in 2023, the third year of implementation of this strategy. It documents major achievements and lessons learned during the year, explores the diversity of private sector landscapes across FAO’s five regions, and outlines priorities for the year to come.
Booklet2023年私营部门合作年度报告 2024私营部门是重要的战略合作伙伴,并将继续发挥关键作用,支持各国和全球履行实现可持续发展目标的承诺,推广发展解决方案。私营部门参与农业粮食体系的一系列关键领域,对经济、社会和环境的可持续发展产生影响,这意味着利用私营部门的创新、投资和技术对实现可持续发展目标至关重要。距离实现《2030年议程》各项目标的既定期限还有六年,联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)积极行动,推动与私营部门的合作转向更具影响力和推广性的协作方式,以帮助各国在实现可持续发展目标方面取得进展。
ProjectHand-In-Hand Initiative: Enhance Impact of Strategic Policy Frameworks for a Favourable Private Sector Environment to Transform Agriculture Sector - TCP/MOZ/3805 2024
Also available in:
No results found.In 2020, Mozambique had an estimated population of around 29.5 million, with two-thirds living in rural areas. The agricultural sector employed 75 percent of the population, highlighting the heavy reliance of Mozambicans on natural resource-based activities such as rainfed agriculture for their livelihoods. Fragmented, inefficient, and fragile food systems in Mozambique, compounded by susceptibility to various shocks and stressors like weather events, pandemics, and conflict, have led to an inability to adequately address the food and nutritional requirements of the expanding population, thereby negatively affecting food security, nutrition, and the overall economy. This challenge is exacerbated by the limited coping mechanisms and resilience capacity of affected communities, alongside pre-existing social and economic inequalities. The agribusiness sector's competitiveness is weakened by underlying factors, resulting in its potential being largely untapped and hindered by disorganized, informal, and inefficient value chains, inadequate farm investment, low production and productivity, and minimal value addition, necessitating support for the development of an inclusive and robust agribusiness sector. -
BookletAnnual report on private sector engagement 2023 2024Engagement with the private sector represents an opportunity for FAO to more efficiently deliver on its mandate, advance progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and ensure better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all, leaving no one behind. FAO’s Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-2025 encourages a more open, proactive approach to working with the private sector to bring about transformative change and innovation, as well as sustainable impact and benefits. This report looks at how FAO's engagement with the private sector developed during in 2023, the third year of implementation of this strategy. It documents major achievements and lessons learned during the year, explores the diversity of private sector landscapes across FAO’s five regions, and outlines priorities for the year to come.
Booklet2023年私营部门合作年度报告 2024私营部门是重要的战略合作伙伴,并将继续发挥关键作用,支持各国和全球履行实现可持续发展目标的承诺,推广发展解决方案。私营部门参与农业粮食体系的一系列关键领域,对经济、社会和环境的可持续发展产生影响,这意味着利用私营部门的创新、投资和技术对实现可持续发展目标至关重要。距离实现《2030年议程》各项目标的既定期限还有六年,联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)积极行动,推动与私营部门的合作转向更具影响力和推广性的协作方式,以帮助各国在实现可持续发展目标方面取得进展。
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