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Consumers and Mediterranean diet: towards food systems transformation

Webinar outcomes, 26 January 2023

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Consumers and Mediterranean diet: towards food systems transformation
    Thursday 26 January 2023 | 9:30-11:00 (CET)
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    This series of technical webinars is organized to leverage the knowledge and expertise of a network of researchers, development practitioners and decision-makers. The webinars aim at strengthening knowledge sharing and stimulating debate around themes relevant to food systems transformation in the Mediterranean, peer exchange about recent research and study findings, as well as showcasing successful and inspiring actions to promote the operationalization of food systems approaches. This webinar will bring together stakeholders from across the Mediterranean to present concrete experiences and successful cases from the consumer perspective, including on transparent information and consumer education and innovative pathways for sustainable public procurement. Consumers should be at the center of all elements of the food system, from food research to food production and procurement, as well as food environments and marketing. Bringing together representatives from consumers and their organizations, experts from research centres, international organizations and educational networks, the webinar will provide a forum for exchange on the role of consumers in a more sustainable food system agenda in the Mediterranean. The webinar will aim to address a key question: what is the role of consumers in shaping more sustainable food systems and what are the implications for rethinking Mediterranean diets?
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Green growth: strategies and actions to shift towards sustainable agrifood systems in the Mediterranean region
    Webinar outcomes
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    During this webinar, organized by the SFS-MED Platform and held on 12 September 2023, stakeholders from across the Mediterranean shared knowledge and concrete experiences about the challenges and opportunities in greening agrifood systems in the Mediterranean region. Panelists and speakers highlighted that without a shift towards more systemic and holistic approaches that embrace sustainable practices, food may become increasingly expensive and less secure, exacerbating social and economic inequalities, and further damaging the environment. The discussion was instrumental in demonstrating that organizational, digital and financial innovations are accelerators for the adoption of sustainable agrifood practices. To this effect, it is key to foster supportive policy environments to secure the necessary finance for the green transtition. Furthermore, research, training, and skills development constitute indispensable tools to engage a young working-age population in multi-stakeholder platforms that promote collaborative and integrated approaches with the aim to achieve the sustainable transformation of agrifood systems.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Linking agrifood SMEs to innovation for sustainable food systems: the role of multi-stakeholder approaches
    Webinar outcomes
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    During this webinar, organized by the SFS-MED Platform and held on 13 October 2022, stakeholders from across the Mediterranean shared practical experiences of university-business cooperation, successful cases of innovation adoption and transfer, innovative pathways of capacity development, as well as provocative thoughts from investors and farmers. Panelists and speakers discussed about the needs and challenges that agrifood SMEs and farmers are experiencing in linking with innovation, and investigated possible pathways for transformation, leveraging the added value of multi-stakeholder approaches to promote the uptake of innovation. Moreover, the webinar allowed strengthening collaboration among the different partners and stakeholders shaping the agrifood ecosystem, that are essential to enable SMEs and farmers with solutions, tools and best practices. The discussion was instrumental in demonstrating that linking agrifood SMEs to innovation is key for a sustainable future of the Mediterranean food systems, where SMEs and small-scale producers are empowered as economic actors and agents of change for a blue, green and circular food system transition. There is a need for an interactive innovation ecosystem based on a multi-stakeholder collaboration process that is open and inclusive, where new technologies and organizational processes are co-designed by all food systems actors. To this effect, science diplomacy is a powerful tool to ensure that scientific knowledge is effectively shared and adequately translated to be used by non-scientific stakeholders, leveraging co-creation and win-win solutions through alliances that engage all shores of the Mediterranean on a level-playing field. Moreover, innovative capacity building and training programmes are instrumental in developing the human capital necessary to address skills mismatch between graduates and employment demand from the agri-business sector, enhancing the innovation chain through new professional profiles. Finally, sustainable finance and new financial mechanisms can be unlocked to enhance SME access to affordable innovation and technology. Business incubators and accelerators promote a change of mindset that can lead SMEs to embrace innovation by adopting new business models, matchmaking innovators and co-founders, and inspiring ideas.

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