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A detecção remota ao apoio de soluções para reduzir diferenciais da produtividade da água na agricultura

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    Book (stand-alone)
    WaPOR database methodology
    Version 2 release, April 2020
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    The FAO portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open Access of Remotely sensed derived data (WaPOR) provides, as of today, access to 11 years of continued observations over Africa and the Near East. The portal provides open access to various spatial data layers related to land and water use for agricultural production and allows for direct data queries, time series analyses, area statistics and data download of key variables to estimate water and land productivity gaps in irrigated and rain fed agriculture. WaPOR Version 2 was launched in June 2019 based on extensive internal and external validation and quality assessment. This document describes the methodology used to produce Version 2 of the data at the 250m (Level 1), 100m (Level 2) and 30m (Level 3) resolution distributed through the WaPOR portal.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    WaPOR V2 quality assessment
    Technical report on the data quality of the WaPOR FAO database version 2
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    This document presents the results of a validation of the version-2 of the WaPOR database, produced by the FRAME consortium partners, eLEAF and VITO. The report summarises the work done by the validation partner (ITC-UTwente) to assess the quality of the new V2 core data components, currently used to estimate and derive agricultural water productivity for Africa and the Near East. WaPOR represents a comprehensive open access data portal that provides information on biomass productivity (with focus on food and agriculture production) and evapotranspiration (evaporative losses and water use) for Africa and the Near East in near real time covering the period from 1 January 2009 to date. WaPOR offers continuous data on a 10-day average basis across Africa and the Near East at three spatial resolutions. The continental level-1 data (250m) cover entire Africa and the Near East (L1). The national level-2 (100m) data cover 21 countries and four river basins (L2). The third level-3 data (30m) cover eight irrigation areas (L3). The quality assessment focused on the core data of the WaPOR database i.e., the evaporative loss components: plant transpiration (T), soil evaporation (E) and interception (I) combined in ETI, the net primary productivity – NPP, the total (TBP) and above ground biomass productivity (AGBP) and reference evapotranspiration – RET.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    WaPOR for Water Accounting 2020
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    To be in a better position to face challenges related to the sustainable use of our finite freshwater resources, especially in countries with rapidly expanding populations, it is crucial to better understand water supply, demand and availability. Water accounting is one tool that can assist with that and it can be supported by easily available open-access data. This case study aims to show how WaPOR (FAO’s portal to monitor Water productivity through open access of remotely sensed derived data) data can be used to support water auditing processes at different scales: the basin, the national scale and the subnational/scheme scale.

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