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The status of women in agrifood systems


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Last update 23/04/2024

FAO. 2023. The status of women in agrifood systems – OverviewRome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    The status of women in agrifood systems 2023
    The status of women in agrifood systems report uses extensive new data and analyses to provide a comprehensive picture of women’s participation, benefits, and challenges they face working in agrifood systems globally. The report shows how increasing women’s empowerment and gender equality in agrifood systems enhances women’s well-being and the well-being of their households, creating opportunities for economic growth, greater incomes, productivity and resilience.The report comes more than a decade after the publication of the State of food and agriculture (SOFA) 2010–11: Women in agriculture – Closing the gender gap for development. SOFA 2010–11 documented the tremendous costs of gender inequality not only for women but also for agriculture and the broader economy and society, making the business case for closing existing gender gaps in accessing agricultural assets, inputs and services. Moving beyond agriculture, The status of women in agrifood systems reflects not only on how gender equality and women’s empowerment are central to the transition towards sustainable and resilient agrifood systems but also on how the transformation of agrifood systems can contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the available evidence on gender equality and women’s empowerment in agrifood systems that has been produced over the last decade. The report also provides policymakers and development actors with an extensive review of what has worked, highlighting the promise of moving from closing specific gender gaps towards the adoption of gender-transformative approaches that explicitly address the formal and informal structural constraints to equality. It concludes with specific recommendations on the way forward. Last update 03/08/2023
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    Policy brief
    Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in agrifood value chains 2022
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    Climate change can increase gender inequalities: while men can diversify into other commodities or migrate to other regions in search of economic opportunities in response to climate impacts, women often have more limited options, and therefore less resilience, due to their domestic responsibilities and poor access to resources and services. Failure to recognize the multiple roles performed by women along the agrifood value chain, and to address their specific needs and priorities often reduces their economic and social opportunities. This brief showcases promising research and innovation, particularly from countries engaged through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) 149 project. Senegal, Samoa and Zambia are highlighted as examples to inform policymakers, guide gender-responsive investments, policies, and strategies in countries’ work in response to climate change. This brief is part of a series. Other briefs on climate-smart agriculture, agrifood value chains and the livestock sector are available.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Ensuring that rural advisory services are responsive to women: good practices from FAO experiences in Europe and Central Asia 2024
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    This report builds upon FAO’s work promoting gender mainstreaming in extension and advisory services, cataloguing challenges and suggesting strategies for increasing the gender responsiveness of rural advisory services globally. The purpose of this review is to apply FAO’s accumulated knowledge about gender equality in the context of rural advisory services to assess the situation in the Europe and Central Asia region. The report provides a snapshot of the extent to which gender considerations are currently integrated into rural advisory services in the region and highlights good practices that are in line with FAO’s gender equality strategies. The report concludes with recommendations for FAO, partner organizations and stakeholders in the fields of agricultural extension and rural advisory services, on how to further improve such services to extend their reach to rural women and men who have previously had limited or no access. This process requires moving away from gender‑neutral service provision, which often results in the exclusion of women, towards transformative extension and rural advisory services that challenge unequal gender relations and address underlying discriminatory norms and practices.

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