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    Report of the ninth session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture. Rome, Italy, 24–27 October 2017. Rapport de la neuvième session du Sous-Comité de l’aquaculture. Rome (Italie), 24-27 octobre 2017. Informe de la novena reunión del Subcomité de Acuicultura. Roma (Italia), 24-27 de octubre de 2017. 2018
    The ninth session of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture (SCA) of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) was held in Rome, Italy from 24 to 27 October 2017. It was attended by eighty-nine Members of FAO, by two associate Members, by representatives from two specialized agencies of the United Nations and by observers from seven intergovernmental and six international non-governmental organizations. The Sub-Committee recognized the growing significance of sustainable aquaculture development for global food security, nutrition, and the achievement of SDG targets. The Sub-Committee endorsed FAO’s Common Vision for Sustainable Food and Agriculture and the Blue Growth Initiative. The Sub-Committee welcomed the forthcoming report on the State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The importance of extension and certification for sustainable aquaculture development was recognized. A special event on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) highlighted the importance of regional coordination and exchange of experiences as well as capacity development and technical assistance. This document contains the report of the session adopted by the Sub-Committee. La neuvième session du Sous-Comité de l’aquaculture du Comité des pêches de la FAO s’est tenue à Rome (Italie), du 24 au 27 octobre 2017. Étaient présents quatre-vingt-neuf Membres de la FAO, deux Membres associés, des représentants de deux institutions spécialisées des Nations Unies et des observateurs de sept organisations intergouvernementales et six organisations non gouvernementales internationales. Le Sous-Comité a reconnu l’importance croissante du développement de l’aquaculture durable au service de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale, de la nutrition et de la réalisation des cibles des ODD. Il a approuvé la vision commune de la FAO pour une alimentation et une agriculture durables, ainsi que l’Initiative en faveur de la croissance bleue. Le Sous-Comité s’est félicité de la publication prochaine du Rapport sur l’État des ressources génétiques aquatiques pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture dans le monde. Il a reconnu l’importance de la vulgarisation et de la certification au service du développement d’une aquaculture durable. Une manifestation spéciale consacrée aux petits États insulaires en développement (PEID) a permis de mettre en avant l’importance de la coordination régionale, de l’échange de données d’expérience, du renforcement des capacités et de l’assistance technique. Le présent document contient le rapport de la session, tel qu’adopté par le Sous-Comité. La novena reunión del Subcomité de Acuicultura del Comité de Pesca (COFI) de la FAO se celebró en Roma (Italia) del 24 al 27 de octubre de 2017. Asistieron a ella 89 Miembros de la FAO, dos Miembros Asociados, representantes de dos organismos especializados de las Naciones Unidas y observadores de siete organizaciones intergubernamentales y seis organizaciones internacionales no gubernamentales. El Subcomité reconoció la importancia cada vez mayor del desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición mundiales y para el logro de una amplia variedad de metas relativas a los ODS. El Subcomité respaldó la visión común de la FAO para una alimentación y una agricultura sostenibles y la Iniciativa sobre el crecimiento azul. El Subcomité acogió con agrado el informe sobre El estado de los recursos genéticos acuáticos para la alimentación y la agricultura en el mundo que se publicaría próximamente. Se reconoció la importancia de la extensión y la certificación para el desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura. Se celebró un acto especial sobre los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo (PEID) en el que se destacó la importancia de la coordinación regional y el intercambio de experiencias, así como del desarrollo de la capacidad y la asistencia técnica. El presente documento contiene el informe de la reunión aprobado por el Subcomité.
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    Book (series)
    GFCM - Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting of Experts on the External Evaluation of the Committee on Aquaculture and its Networks. Rome, Italy, 29–30 March 2004. / CGPM - Rapport de la Réunion ad hoc d’experts sur l’évaluation externe du Comité de l’aquaculture et de ses réseaux. Rome, Italie, 29-30 mars 2004. 2005
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    The Ad Hoc Meeting of Experts on the External Evaluation of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) and its Networks was held in Rome, Italy, from 29 to 30 March 2004. The meeting was attended by six experts from CAQ in their personal capacity and by the consultant recruited for undertaking the evaluation. Initially only an external evaluation of the SIPAM network (Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterran ean) was recommended at the third session of the Committee and endorsed by the Commission at its twenty-seventh session. Subsequently, the call for a full external evaluation of CAQ, including all of its Networks, since its inception was requested by the Commission at its twenty-eight session in view of the forthcoming entry into force of the GFCM autonomous budget. On the basis of the report of the consultant, the Meeting of Experts reviewed and summarized major achievements of CAQ and its networks. It identified strengths and weaknesses of its modus operandi and provided recommendations towards addressing the limitations faced by the Committee over recent years. In support of a sustainable development of the Mediterranean aquaculture sector and in the context of the autonomous budget, the Meeting concurred that the size and composition of an expanded GFCM Secretariat would have the desirable influence on the functioning of the CAQ and its networks.
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    GFCM - Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting of Experts on the Independent Appraisal of the Achievements of the Scientific Advisory Committee (1999-2003). Rome, Italy, 27-28 August 2003 / CGPM - Rapport de la Réunion ad hoc d'experts sur la revue indépendante des réalisations du Comité scientifique consultatif (1999-2003). Rome, Italie, 27-28 août 2003 2003
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    The ad hoc Meeting of Experts on the Independent Appraisal of the Achievements of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the GFCM was held in Rome, Italy, from 27 to 28 August 2003. The meeting was attended by five experts from SAC in their personal capacity and by a specialized consultant. The appraisal stemmed from an initial suggestion from CopeMed that it would be opportune, in the context of the forthcoming entry into force of the GFCM Autonomous budget, to appraise the work of SAC sinc e its inception. This was supported by the Second Coordinating Meeting of the SAC Sub-Committees. At its Sixth Session in 2003, SAC further welcomed the offer made by the Secretariat to undertake an external evaluation of its achievements (19992003). On the basis of the report of the consultant, the Meeting of Experts reviewed and summarized major achievements of SAC and identified strengths and weaknesses of its process. The meeting further suggested considering a number of preliminary options for improving the efficiency of the Committee, placing emphasis on a task-oriented advisory process driven by GFCM management objectives and an enhanced capacity to formulate management advice, based on multispecies assessments and using multidisciplinary reference points, compliant with an ecosystem approach to fisheries.

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