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Improving food security in Sudan -GCP/SUD/038/EC

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    Information systems boosting food security in South Sudan - GCP/SSD/003/EC 2017
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    The armed conflict that began in December 2013 in South Sudan has resulted in a weakening of government institutions, a breakdown in the provision of basic services, an economic crisis and severe disruption to livelihoods for a majority of the population. The cumulative effect of this has been severe and rising food insecurity across the country. The resultant post-conflict weakening of technical and institutional capacity has significantly eroded the Government’s ability to formulate and implem ent its national food security strategy. Consequently, food security interventions are now informed by Rapid Food Security Assessments and the more robust Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), both of which almost always result in short-term or emergency humanitarian responses. Addressing chronic food insecurity in South Sudan requires a robust food security information system and analysis framework.
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    FAO Bureau régional pour l’Afrique Bulletin Trimestriel 2017
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    FAO Regional Office for Africa's Newsletter highlights some relevant news stories, articles, and feature stories across the region, subregions and at countries of Africa. The RAF Newsletter is a good platform resource for knowledge and information sharing. This edition which covers the period of January to June 2017 takes into account the FAO Director-General's visit to northeast Nigeria and South Sudan. It also features some key success stories in the region.
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