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Information systems boosting food security in South Sudan - GCP/SSD/003/EC

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    Improving food security in Sudan -GCP/SUD/038/EC 2017
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    The project aimed to address food insecurity in four target states in Sudan (Blue Nile, Gedaref, Kassalaand Red Sea). This involved strengthening capacities to prioritize and formulate food security policies and strategies, and including lower-level governance structures and major non-state actors in prioritizing and decision-making processes.
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    Improving Food Security, Livelihoods and Income for Vulnerable Communities in South Sudan - GCP/SSD/006/SWI 2019
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    Although South Sudan is endowed with abundant natural resources, includingextensive agricultural land and reserves of oil, the country is disaster-proneand experiences protracted natural and man-made crises, which can manifestthemselves in the form of widespread and persistent violence, populationdisplacement and disruption of livelihoods. As the country faces a majorhumanitarian crisis, the number of people requiring aid has increased to nearlyhalf of the total population. This crisis put some parts of the country on the vergeof famine in 2017. This threat continues to linger, particularly in Northern Bahrel Ghazal and Warrap states, which suffer from a high prevalence of foodinsecurity and malnutrition. In response, the project put into practice a seriesof rehabilitation and development interventions aimed at supporting livelihooddevelopment for agropastoralists in both states.
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