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Improving Food Security and Income Generation of Smallholder Farmers in Food Deficit Areas - RBA/GLO/002/SWI

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    Improving Productivity, Nutrition, and Income Security of Farmers on Food and Nutrition-Insecure Districts in Zimbabwe - GCP/ZIM/025/UK 2021
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    In Zimbabwe, approximately 70 percent of the population relies on subsistence rainfed agriculture for their livelihoods and food and nutrition security. The majority are smallholder farmers, tilling an average of one hectare of land or less per household. The high reliance on subsistence rainfed agriculture renders much of the rural population vulnerable to climate related shocks and seasonal stressors. According to vulnerability assessments, households have few sources of income other than agriculture, and spend more than half of their budget on food. The country’s already precarious food security and nutrition situation is further exacerbated by poorly functioning markets, low soil fertility, and farmers’ limited access to credit, knowledge and best practices. In order to address these challenges, the project aimed to promote improved and climate smart agricultural practices, increase access by smallholder farmers to rural finance, and stimulate the production and consumption of safe and nutritious food, among other key interventions.
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    52 Profiles on Agroecology: Improving food security, nutrition and income of tribal smallholder farmers in Sundagarh District, Odisha, India 2017
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    More than a thousand smallholder farmers from predominantly tribal Sundargarh district have been supported to adopt or extend locally appropriate, low-cost, sustainable farming practices to improve food and nutritional security and increase income. The Centre for Integrated Rural and Tribal Development (CIRTD), a long term partner of ActionAid India in Sundargarh district of Odisha, has implemented the project, “Enhancing income and securing the food and nutrition of Small and Marginal Farmers t hrough Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture in Rainfed Region”. CIRTD works predominantly in securing the rights and enhancing the livelihoods of marginal tribal and other forest dwellers, women and other smallholder farmers.
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