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Informe de la Duodécima Reunión del Comité Coordinador. Informe Final

Reunión Virtual, 8-9 de junio 2017

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    Informe de la Vigésima Primera Reunión del Comité Coordinador del FMB (CC21)
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    Informe de la Decimosexta Reunión del Comité Coordinador (CC16) del Foro Mundial Bananero (FMB)
    Sede de la FAO, Roma, Italia, 23 - 24 de mayo 2019
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    The process to establish the World Banana Forum (WBF) was led by a group of representatives from banana grower organizations, exporter associations, multinational and national trading companies, trade unions, supermarket chains, intergovernmental organizations, research institutions and non-governmental organizations. This group formed a Preparatory Committee which made possible the establishment of the WBF by organizing the needed preparatory meetings and the WBF inaugural meeting in December 2009. The banana stakeholders agreed to nominate a group of representatives which is in charge of coordinating the ongoing work of the World Banana Forum and its Working Groups. This group is the Steering Committee. Everyone can join the Steering Committee provided that they have sufficient time and willingness to support actively this Forum. The balance between the different groups has been a priority since this group was initially formed. Meetings are held biannually.

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