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Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. February 2013

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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Sécurité alimentaire et implications humanitaires en Afrique de l’ouest et au Sahel. Février 2013 2013
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    Au Burkina Faso, la production céréalière nationale brute 2012-2013 qui n’avait pas encore été officialisée et intégrée dans les résultats régionaux consolidés, est évaluée à 4 898 544 tonnes. Comparée à celle de 2011-2012, cette production céréalière est en hausse de 33,6 %. Par rapport à la moyenne des cinq dernières campagnes, la hausse de la production est estimée à 26,9 %. Les récoltes des productions de contre saison (novembre 2012 – avril 2013) sont en cours dans la région et se déroulent normalement. La disponibilité des légumes s’améliore notablement sur les marchés comme l’ail, l’oignon, le poivron séchée et la tomate séchée au Niger (Bulletin de janvier 2013 du Système d’information sur les marchés agricoles – culture de rentes au Niger) ce qui génère des revenus pour les ménages producteurs. Les cultures de riz irrigué et de décrue sont en cours le long des principaux fleuves de la région (Sénégal, Niger). S’agissant des conditions d’élevage, les pâturages restent encore as sez fournis, toutefois la diminution de la valeur fourragère avec la lignification et le dessèchement progressif des herbacés se poursuit. Les conditions d’abreuvement sont assez bonnes. L’état sanitaire et d’embonpoint des animaux est bon dans l’ensemble. Les troupeaux sédentaires sont entrain de se déplacer des zones de concentration d’hivernage vers les zones d’origine (Afrique Verte).
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. November 2012 2012
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    The regional meeting on the agriculture and food security outlook in West Africa and the Sahel (PREGEC), organized by the Permanent Inter-State Committee for the Fight against Drought in the Sahel (CILSS) from 19 to 21 November 2012 in Niamey (Niger), indicates that provisional cereal production in the Sahel and West Africa amounts to 57.4 million tonnes - including 13.7 of rice, 17.9 of maize, 11.1 of millet and 14.3 of sorghum - for the 2012/2013 growing season. This production increased by 13 % compared to last year and by 18% compared to the 5-year average.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Africa Report - No. 3 December 2005 2005
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    Eastern Africa Harvesting of the 2005 main season cereal crops is underway in northern parts of the subregion while it has been completed in southern parts. A generally better 2005 harvest compared to 2004 is expected to improve food availability in most countries of the subregion. The overall food situation, however, remains precarious with high malnutrition rates reported in several countries arising from effects of war, displacement and past droughts. In Somalia, below av erage 2005 main “gu” season harvest in the south and an upsurge in civil strife have exacerbated the already precarious food situation. Nearly one million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. The food situation in Sudan is also alarming due to continued conflict and population displacement that have resulted in serious food insecurity, especially in Darfur and southern Sudan. Southern Africa There are delays in planting of main season crops due to inadequate rainfall so far in most countries in the subregion. Food insecurity is worsening during this lean period and nearly 12 million people, mainly in Zimbabwe and Malawi, are in need of emergency food assistance. Shortages of key farm inputs such as seed, fertilizer and draft power are reported in Zimbabwe. High inflation coupled with fuel and transport problems are exacerbating food insecurity. In Malawi, markets continue experiencing escalating prices of maize, the main staple food. So far, co mmercial imports and food aid deliveries have been meagre in spite of the significant amounts pledged by international donors. South Africa’s record maize harvest of 12.4 million tonnes is estimated to result in a potential exportable surplus of about 4.66 million tonnes, more than enough to cover the subregion’s import requirements. Western Africa Good harvests are expected in the Sahel, following generally favourable weather conditions throughout the growing season. Howeve r, the severe food crisis that hit the subregion in 2004/05 had serious income, livelihoods and nutrition effects and resulted in depletion of household assets including animals, as well as high levels of indebtedness, notably in Niger and parts of Burkina Faso, Mali and Mauritania. In spite of the improved food supply situation in these countries, assistance is still needed for income generating and asset reconstitution activities in order to strengthen access to food for vulnerable househ olds. In Côte d’Ivoire, insecurity and the de facto partition of the country continue to disrupt agricultural production and marketing activities. In Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, food assistance continues to be needed for internally displaced people and refugees. Central Africa Crop prospects and food security outlook are unfavourable in several countries due mainly to civil strife and insecurity. Overall crop prospects are favourable in Cameroon, but food insecurit y persists in Chari and Logone Division of the Extreme North which experienced a severe food crisis in 2005. The National Early Warning System in Burundi has warned of serious food insecurity beginning December 2005 due to a prolonged dry spell. A similar weather pattern is expected to affect the 2006 A season crops.

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