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Rehabilitating Forest Landscapes and Degraded Land in the Islamic Republic of Iran through Sustainable Land and Forest Management - GCP/IRA/064/GFF

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    Strengthening Community Resilience through Sustainable Forest Landscape Restoration and Legal Timber Production - FMM/GLO/174/MUL 2025
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    Forests are crucial to the livelihoods of smallholders, Indigenous communities, and forest user groups, yet face significant degradation from unsustainable practices, deforestation, and climate change. Furthermore, competition from other land uses has disrupted agrarian landscapes, diminishing the ability of forests to support local economies, resilience, and recovery. Both Ghana and Cambodia are heavily impacted by these challenges, necessitating targeted forest restoration and sustainable management strategies. In response, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) implemented the Restoration for Resilience and Recovery (FMM3R) subprogramme, combining expertise from three FAO Forestry Division (NFO) programmes. Through multistakeholder dialogue, green value chain development, and capacity building, the project empowered communities to sustainably manage their forest resources while improving their livelihood opportunities and access to funding.
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    Supporting the Restoration of Degraded Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones in Ukraine through Integrated Natural Resources Management - GCP/UKR/004/GFF 2024
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    Ukraine is known for being home to nearly 40 percent of the world’s chernozems, black soils that are extremely fertile and productive. Years of intensive agricultural production has led to the deterioration and erosion of these soils, depleting them of their organic matter and nutrients.Lines of trees known as shelterbelts were planted in the 1930s in the forest- steppe and steppe zones of Ukraine to combat erosion and improve soil quality; however, deforestation and continued intensive agricultural practices have worsened the wind and water erosion. A reduction in the amount of irrigated land in these zones has also contributed to the degradation of the chernozems. This project was formulated to restore the productivity and resilience of Ukraine’s black soils through the expansion of integrated natural resource management (INRM) practices, the restoration of shelterbelts and the establishment of regulations on their ownership and management, the introduction of agroforestry, and the creation of an enabling policy environment for sustainable land management (SLM).
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    Terminal evaluation of the project "Sustainable Forest Lands Management and Conservation under an Ecosocial Approach"
    Project code: GCP/VEN/011/GFF - GEF ID: 5410
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    This project was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Its objectives were to reverse the degradation of forest ecosystems, recover forest areas under degradation processes, mainly in the Imataca Forest Reserve, and promote the institutionalization of these activities in forest management at the national level. The project made a significant contribution in terms of generation and systematization of information; methodological developments to estimate carbon emissions, reservoirs and sequestration, and compilation of information for the National Integrated Forest Information System; strengthen institutional and community capacities, and promote the application of sustainable forest management practices under a co-management scheme. Important co-benefits were also generated, such as the creation of the Tukupu Community Social Property Company, which is the first Indigenous Peoples' forestry company established in the country, and the proposed Presidential Decree for the Creation of the National Forest Co-management System.

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