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Studies on Mesh Selectivity And Performance Of The New Fish-Cum-Prawn Trawl at Pesalai, Sri Lanka - BOBP/MIS/04

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    Summary Report of BOBP Fishing Trials and Demersal Resources Studies in Sri Lanka - BOBP/REP/23 1986
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    This paper briefly describes the various studies and fishing trials concerning the demersal fishery resources of Sri Lanka conducted between 1979 and 1985 by the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). Some of these activities have been documented through the following papers : BOBP/WP/6 - “Fishing Trials with Bottom-set Longlines in Sri Lanka” by G. Pajot, K. T. Weerasooriya. BOBP/WP/16 - “Further Trials with Bottom Longlines in Sri Lanka”. BOBP/WP/40 - “Promotion of Bottom Set Longlines in Sri L anka” by K. T. Weerasooriya, S. S. C. Pieris, M. Fonseka. BOBP/WP/41 - “The Demersal Fisheries of Sri Lanka” by K. Sivasubramaniam and R. Maldeniya BOBP/WP/42 - “Fish trap trials in Sri Lanka”. This paper distils the findings of these papers-and of one other paper under preparation -for quick assimilation by planners, decision-makers and researchers. The demersal fishery activities reported in these papers were carried out by the BOBP’s small-scale fisheries project (funded by SIDA). A s enior fishing technologist and a senior fishery biologist were mainly responsible for the execution of BOBP activities. Officers from the Ministry of Fisheries and scientists from NARA (National Aquatic Resources Agency) were closely associated with the trials.
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    A Study of The Performance of Selected Small Fishing Craft on the East Coast of India-BOBP/WP/74 1992
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    This paper compares the economic performance of the beachianding craft (BLC) and several other motorized and non-motorized small-scale fishing craft in three villages on the east coast of India, viz. Pentakota (Orissa), Tummelapenta (Andhra Pradesh) and Thirumullaivasal (Tamil Nadu). The relationship between the fishing operations of the different craft and various factors affecting BLC operations are also discussed. The study, conducted during 1989 through the beginning of 1990, and this pap er which reports on it, have been sponsored by the Bay of Bengal Programme’s (BOBP) Small-Scale Fisherfolk Communities in the Bay of Bengal (GCP/RAS/1l8/MUL). Assistance in conducting the study and completing this report was received from Theodore Selvaraj, Deputy Director of Fisheries (Marine), Madras (Tamil Nadu), Prabaharadu, Inspector of Fisheries, Thirumullaivasal (Tamil Nadu), Manindra Nath Ghose, Superintendent of Fisheries, Pun (Orissa), C. Ratnama Chary, Manager (Fisheries), Andhra Prad esh State Cooperative Fishermen’s Federation Limited, Kavali (Andhra Pradesh), Y. Balaramiah, Fisheries Development Officer, Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Fishermen’s Federation Limited, Kavali (Andhra Pradesh), A. Alexander, Community Development Officer, BOBP, Thirumullaivasal, M. Venkateswar Rao, Data Collector, Pentakota, Avula Ramanaiah, Data Collector, Tummelapenta, P. Dinakara Rao, General Manager, Andhra Pradesh Fisheries Corporation Limited, Kalunada (Andhra Pradesh), V. Ramesh, Mari ne Engineer, BOBP, Madras, A. Kamilla, BOBP, Madras.
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    Improvement of Large-Mesh Driftnets for Small-Scale Fisheries in Sri Lanka - BOBP/WP/3 1980
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    Large-mesh driftnets play a pivotal role in Sri Lankas small-scale fisheries. They captured about 25% of all the fish Sri Lanka produced in 1978. In view of the rising cost of these widely used nets, a nine-month experimental project was conducted in 1979 on making the nets less costly and more productive. Under the project, fishermen-cum-boat-owners in two fishing centres-Beruwala and Velvettiturai- used two kinds of nets: traditional nets and the modified nets supplied by the Bay of Benga l Programme. Comparative data on fish catch by species and weight for the two kinds of nets revealed that nylon nets of finer yarn-which are 25% cheaper than the traditional nets-raised the fish catch by 20 to 30 per cent during the experiments. The other conclusions resulting from the experiments concern the ropes and floats used for driftnets. Polypropylene ropes and large cylindrical auxiliary surface floats are as good as —and cheaper than the nylon ropes and small longitudinal floats u sed at present with largemesh driftnets. Following from the above, the main recommendation is that the use of thinner nylon netting material, of polypropylene ropes and of large floats should be energetically promoted. Their manufacture and import should be encouraged.

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