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MeetingSharing information on national experiences in the general field of risk management 2002The subject of risk management is a broad one; the discussion group on "Sharing information on national experiences in the general field of risk management" is to discuss two specific topics in detail: "Reduction in foodborne hazards, including microbiological and others, with emphasis on emerging hazards" and "Integrated approaches to the management of food safety throughout the food chain". I would like to go beyond that in introducing the discussion group debates by touching on the various as pects of this subject and the ways in which risk managers and policy makers can approach it.
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Microbiological Hazards in Foods 2000Objectives: The consultation examined the technical documents on hazard characterization and exposure assessment of Salmonella spp. in broilers and eggs and L. monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods, and the draft guidelines on hazard characterization with the following objectives: 1. To provide scientific advice to FAO and WHO Member Countries and Codex on the risk assessment of Salmonella spp. in broilers and eggs and L. monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. 2. To provide guidance to FAO and WHO Member Countries and Codex in the form of practical guidelines and methodology for hazard characterization of microbial pathogens. 3. To identify the knowledge gaps and information requirements needed to complete the above-mentioned risk assessments.
MeetingReduction of food-borne hazards, including microbiological and other with emphasis on emerging hazards
Country Paper proposed by Liberia
2002Also available in:
No results found.As Designated National Authority on Food Safety of Liberia, our aim is to increase public awareness of the risks of food poisoning and the preventive measures that can be taking throughout the food chain And also to protect the health of people consuming Liberian food at home or abroad whilst helping to maintain and enhance the reputation of its food related industries. Our constraint is the lack of Food Analytical Laboratory in Liberia for food quality control due to the war. Food saf ety and the protection of the health of consumers have become international issues, forcing most developed countries to exam how they ensure the safety of their food supply. As we gathered in this workshop we would like to state here that our role to integrated approaches to the management of food safety throughout the food chain is to: Educate consumers and communicate risks, Convince industry that it owes the responsibility to produce and provide safe food. Develop an effective inspection service from farm to fork. Get every food business to recognize the importance of food safety and to make it our integral part of their business.
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