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Sharing information on national experiences in the general field of risk management

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    Reducing of Food-borne hazards, including microbiological and others, with emphasis on emerging hazards 2002
    The ultimate risk management goal of food safety regulators is the control or reduction of food-borne hazards and in turn, reduction in the incidence of food-borne illness. Risk management involves weighing policy alternatives in light of available data and selecting and implementing appropriate control options for protecting the public health. To be effective, risk management strategies must be developed with a continual exchange of information by all interested parties, thus ensuring that the process and the strategies are considered transparent and are trusted. In addition, risk management strategies must continually change as new hazards emerge and as scientific and technological advances occur.
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    Communicating food safety regulations and risk management: Involvement and pariticipation of consumers and other stakeholders - THE UK EXPERIENCE
    Conference Room Document submitted by the United Kingdom
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    The Food Standards Agency recognises the importance and value in involving consumers and other stakeholders effectively in the decision-making process. The involvement of key stakeholders at an early stage has helped the Agency to develop effective policies. The Agency recognises that it can be difficult for consumers to contribute effectively. The Agency has implemented a number of initiatives targeted specifically at helping consumers. In addition the Agency recognises that being open an d accessible has helped build trust in the decision-making process and helped to stimulate a wider debate on food issues.
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    Communication and Participation - The Experience in Mexico 2002
    Food safety is crucial for Mexico's development because it has an impact on the health of the population, job creation, investments inflow, fair trade of food, and, globally, on the efficiency and productivity of the nation. While contaminated food is a concern involving the functions and responsibilities of different sectors, coordination, an integrating strategy, an explicit definition of responsibilities to achieve food safety from the farm to the table; and the design of models which allow t o measure the contribution of food safety to the objectives of the policy of each participating organization are needed.

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