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Promoting decent rural employment

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Food, agriculture and rural development
    Current and Emerging Issues for Economic Analysis and Policy Research
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    This publication contains four in-depth reviews on current and emerging issues in the economic analysis of food, agriculture and rural development, written by well-known scholars in the field. The selection of the issues for in-depth review was the result of a survey conducted among FAO staff involved in policy assistance activities in the main developing regions. Thus, the choice reflects their and, by extension, the policy-makers' perception as to the main research priorities in the economic a nalysis of agriculture, rural development, poverty and food security. A synthesis of the survey results is included as a chapter. The four in-depth reviews concern: (i) new trends in development thinking and implications for agriculture and rural development (by Simon Maxwell and Robin Heber Percy); (ii) causes, characteristics and alleviation strategies for rural poverty, with particular emphasis on Latin America (by Alberto Valdés and Johan A. Mistiaen); (iii) institutions, reform and agricult ural performance (by Pranab Bardhan); and (iv) migration and poverty issues (by J. Edward Taylor).
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Ten years of FAO experience on ending child labour in agriculture in Africa
    A compendium of practices from Malawi, Mali, the Niger, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda
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    This compendium is the result of a first-of-its-kind stocktaking exercise looking at FAO activities to address child labour in agriculture in Malawi, Mali, Uganda, the Niger and the United Republic of Tanzania over a decade (2010–2020). It is intended to make a practical contribution to the field of child labour elimination in agriculture, by shedding a light on some of the FAO-supported activities, country processes and practices as well as achievements, and lessons learned. As such, it highlights the general main lessons learned and key messages, outlines and provide details on country processes and related outcomes and achievements on knowledge generation, capacity development, awareness raising, policy advice and promotion of advocacy and partnerships. The contents on these FAO strategies for the elimination of child labour in agriculture are complemented by examples of areas of work such as promoting safe practices and labour-saving technologies and empowering and building the skills of youth aged 15–17 by facilitating school-to-work transition in agriculture.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Preparing and accessing decent work amongst rural youth in Cambodia 2019
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    The case study explores which skills and training opportunities young people need in order to gain access to decent employment in rural areas. The research was undertaken in order to develop recommendations to support the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and FAO Cambodia in developing appropriate recommendations to support rural young people, especially those of the 15 to 17 age cohort. The study highlights the limited decent employment opportunities that currently exist along various agricultural value chains in rural Cambodia. Poverty and the structural problems of the agricultural sector are the main barriers for youth in accessing decent rural employment. A substantial enhancement of the education system, as well as the provision of appropriate training services to ensure successful schoolto-work transition is seen as necessary to tackle these challenges. A well-balanced policy mix reflecting national and local circumstances can encourage employment opportunities and create an environment that enables rural youth. Building on previous research on agriculture in Cambodia, agricultural transformation requires promotion of agribusiness enterprises, support to community-managed organizations of farmers, promotion of agropreneurs, and investments in agricultural and rural development, particularly in infrastructure, energy, water, education and health. Moreover, most youth entering agriculture are self-employed and work as smallscale farmers. Therefore, the provision of skills and training in rural areas should focus on the skills required to be self-employed.

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