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Soils are the Foundation for Vegetation


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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Soils are the Foundation for Vegetation
    Poster for International Year of Soils 2015
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Soils are the Foundation for Vegetation which is cultivated or managed for feed, fibre, fuel and medicinal products 2015
    Healthy soils are crucial for ensuring the continued growth of natural and managed vegetation, providing feed, fibre, fuel, medicinal products and other ecosystem services such as climate regulation and oxygen production. Soils and vegetation have a reciprocal relationship. Fertile soil encourages plant growth by providing plants with nutrients, acting as a water holding tank, and serving as the substrate to which plants anchor their roots. In return, vegetation, tree cover and forests prevent s oil degradation and desertification by stabilizing the soil, maintaining water and nutrient cycling, and reducing water and wind erosion. As global economic growth and demographic shifts increase the demand for vegetation, animal feed and vegetation by products such as wood, soils are put under tremendous pressure and their risk of degradation increases greatly. Managing vegetation sustainably—whether in forests, pastures or grasslands—will boost its benefits, including timber, fodder and food, in a way meets society’s needs while conserving and maintaining the soil for the benefit of present and future generations.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Improving the quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables: a practical approach
    Manual for trainers
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    Improving the quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables: a practical approach Manual for trainers The manual to «train the trainers» provides guidelines and training materials to conduct practical and participative workshops, with an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. It focuses on the practical application of technical concepts, supporting the implementation of quality assurance and safety initiatives for fresh fruits and vege tables, from private and public institutions at the local, regional, national and governmental levels in each country. The contents were validated by different subregional workshops held in several Latin American countries with the final text incorporating the recommendations and contributions resulting from these workshops.

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