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Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry

​FAO. 2011. Guide to implementation of phytosanitary standards in forestry. FAO Forestry Paper no. 164. Rome.

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    Udhëzues për zbatimin e standardeve fitosanitare në pylltari
    Ky udhëzues, i përgatitur nga një grup ndërkombëtar shkencëtarësh, autoritetesh fitosanitare, ekspertësh pyjor dhe përfaqësuesish të industrisë dhe i rishikuar nga më shumë se 100 specialistë nga 46 shtete, paraqet informata që kuptohen lehtë për mënyrën se si praktikat e mira për menaxhimin e pyjeve dhe standardet fitosanitare të zbatuara drejt mund të minimizojnë përhapjen e dëmtuesve dhe mund të lehtësojnë tregtimin e sigurt.
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    Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. Guidelines for the establishment and application of emergency actions and emergency measures 2007
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    Normally, phytosanitary import requirements that apply to a particular commodity are determined and made available to the exporting party before exports commence. These phytosanitary measures would be technically justified by the importing party. However, with emergency actions and/or emergency measures they are typically applied immediately in response to an emergency situation without the exporter/exporting country receiving prior notice and full technical justification may not be available at the time of application. Therefore, there are strict conditions attached to the use of emergency actions and emergency measures. This standard provides guidelines to contracting governments on how to establish and apply both phytosanitary emergency actions and emergency measures in a practical manner that follows the requirements of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). This standard was endorsed by the by the twenty -fifth session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) held in Beijing, China in August 2007. Regional standards for phytosanitary measures are developed and adopted by APPPC as part of the plant protection programme of the Commission's contracting parties to support regional harmonization and facilitate trade of commodities by member countries.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. Approval of fumigation facilities 2014
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    Fumigation is a useful measure to reduce the risk of introduction and spread of regulated pests through the international movement of commodities or regulated articles. However, little guidance has been provided to National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) to assist them in assessing whether fumigators can undertake fumigations effectively. Endorsed by the twenty-eighth session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) held in Jeju, Republic of Korea in September 2013, th is standard provides guidance on developing appropriate systems for regulating and certifying fumigations to meet importing country requirements. Regional standards for phytosanitary measures are developed and adopted by the APPPC as part of the plant protection programme of the Commission's contracting parties to support regional harmonization and facilitate trade of commodities by member countries.

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