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Managing Soil Sustainably for Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia - GCP/GLO/730/GER

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Sustainable soil management as a keystone of nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Burkina Faso 2023
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    This country factsheet highlights the importance of the relationship between soil management with nutrition aspects in Burkina Faso. The adoption of sustainable soil management practices, such as intercropping and organic matter additions, in combination with micronutrient application contributing to a better nutritional status of the population. The country fact sheet is the result of a review of scientific references and from field trials and demonstration sites developed under the Sustainable Soil Management for Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The project analyzed the links between soil properties and plant micronutrient content in cropping areas in Bangladesh, and tested the effectiveness of sustainable soil management practices in increasing the micronutrient content of food. A long-term plan is recommended to obtain additional information about the relationship between soil health and the quality of locally produced food. In the same way, through capacities developed locally, in rural communities, a major participation is expected.
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    Improving Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia through the Implementation of Sustainable Soil Management Practices - GCP/GLO/730/GER 2023
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    More than two billion people worldwide suffer from hidden hunger due to diets that lack sufficient nutrients despite having the required quantity of food energy. Crops are the main source of minerals and vitamins for both humans and animals, however nutrient-poor staple crops from nutrient-poor soils can result in inadequate nutrient intake and unhealthy development. The Global Soil Partnership (GSP), through the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management (VGSSM), published by FAO in 2017, aims to address these issues by promoting the role of soils in food security and nutrition and implementing sustainable soil management practices that avoid nutrient mining and soil degradation. In this context, the present project aimed to analysethe knowledge gaps and regulatory and institutional context related to soil fertility and sustainable soil management. Its objective was to promote the application of sustainable soil management (SSM) for nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) in order to enhance the nutritional quality of locally produced food and reduce the impact of hidden hunger.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Kenya Food Composition Tables, 2018 2018
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    Food composition data provides food and nutrition sector, both private and public with the important guidelines in food labelling, assessment of nutrient intake to determine nutrition adequacy, diet formulation as well as in research and breeding. The information generated is also used to establish food-based dietary guidelines for dietary diversification and food fortification. They also help program managers in determining the relationships between disease outcome and nutrient intakes. The resultant information provides the evidence base for nutrition and health & agricultural policies in establishing how to meet the nutrient requirements in the population through diet. The Kenya Food Composition Tables [FCT] (2018) was developed following international guidelines from INFOODS considering all the required quality checks. It has three main sections: the first part of the book contains an introduction and user notes; the second section presents the actual food composition tables; the third section features photographies and descriptions of foods, to facilitate food identification. This publication will guide both county and national authorities in setting priorities in the implementation of food-based approaches to reduce the burden of malnutrition in the population and support nutrition-sensitive agricultural production.

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