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Water management for climate-smart agriculture

E-learning fact sheet

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Course: Water management for climate-smart agriculture 2018
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    This fact sheet describes the following e-learning course: This course focuses on water management and its critical role in climate-smart agriculture. It analyses the impacts of climate change on the availability of freshwater resources for agriculture and considers possible water management options for adaptation to climate change and for climate change mitigation.
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    Promotion of Climate-Smart Agriculture Through the Improvement of Water Resources’ Utilization in Arid Areas of Shaanxi Province - TCP/CPR/3601 2020
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    Shaanxi Province, located in the northwestern part ofChina, has experienced reduced rainfall in recent times,seriously affecting agricultural development. Against thisbackground, the current situation of arid farming in theprovince was one of unsustainable use of waterresources, inefficient on-farm water distribution schemesthat were unrelated to the different cropping systems,and insufficient investment in irrigation infrastructure,among other things. It was therefore crucial to upgradewater management technologies and croppingmanagement practices, in order to achieve higherefficiency of water use and improve agriculturalproductivity. The project aimed to reduce water losses inthe province, in particular in Jiangbian and Chunhuacounties, by promoting appropriate efficient on-farmwater harvesting and in-field water managementtechnologies, and improved soil fertility managementpractices.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Course: Introduction to Climate-Smart Agriculture 2018
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    This fact sheet describes the following e-learning course: This course analyses climate change impacts on agriculture, food security and food systems and provides an overview of the main climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in agriculture. It also introduces the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) approach and describes the 5-step process to implement it.

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