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Improving food security for households in Afghanistan - GCP/AFG/072/LUX

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    Improving food security for households in Afghanistan - GCP/AFG/072/LUX 2017
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    In spite of significant reconstruction efforts, Afghanistan remains ravaged by three decades of devastating war, natural disasters and population growth, which have contributed to rampant poverty and food insecurity. Although almost half of rural households own and cultivate some land and more than 64 percent own some sort of livestock or poultry, yields are far below the regional averages, while agricultural production is at the mercy of climatic conditions. The transformation of traditional subsistence production systems into a dynamic, modern agricultural sector depends on the widespread introduction and use of new knowledge, technologies and practices.
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    Implementing the food and nutrition security strategy in Afghanistan - GCP/AFG/091/GER 2017
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    Food and nutrition insecurity is a severe and widespread problem in Afghanistan. About 30 percent of the population is food insecure, and 40 percent of Afghan children under five years of age suffer from chronic undernutrition. The majority of vulnerable and food insecure people live in rural areas, and depend on agriculture and livestock as their main sources of livelihood. The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) developed a strategy to address the critical issues of food a nd nutrition security. However, its institutional structures and technical and management capacities need strengthening in order to effectively implement this strategy.
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    Cluster Evaluation of: Strengthening the Role of Women in Agriculture Development for Improved Household Food; Strengthening Policy Development and Coordination for Food and Nutrition Security in Afghanistan; Support to Extension Systems, Household Food a
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    The evaluation assessed the three projects as a thematic cluster, focusing on outcome level results and the most strategic outputs. It analysed the work and assessed the overall contribution by the programme in Afghanistan by emphasizing the intended and unintended results. The evaluation was carried out between September and December 2015, with field mission to Afghanistan from the end of September to the middle of October 2015. The evaluation had contacted stakeholders, including target groups , at central level (ministries and directorates), provincial level (two provinces) and district level (three districts). In addition to contacting project staff, and staff of the FAO Representation in Afghanistan, the mission contacted one of the LTOs based in Bangkok.

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