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Book (series)Report of the eighth IDAF (Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries) Liaison Officers Meeting (Pointe-Noire, (Congo), 3-9 November 1994) 1994
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Participants examined and approved the Progress Report for 1994 and the Work programme for 1995. They were briefed on the Methodologies for assessing capital needs in artisanal fisheries. They analysed the situation of artisanal safety at sea and fish consumption in the region and also exchanged experiences with practising artisanal fishermen on empowerment processes of fishers in fishing communities. Participants stressed the importance of fishers involvement in resource management, t he need to lay greater emphasis on artisanal safety at sea and to develop insurance programmes for artisanal fisheries. With regards the Workshop, eight papers were presented on traditional fish processing technologies and on the use of ice. In addition participants gave information on fish technology in their respective countries and also made a number of very important recommendations. They range from training and increase support to research, to the provision of credit facilities to processors and fish traders. At both the Liaison Officers Meeting and the Workshop emphasis was placed on the important role of artisanal fisheries is ensuring food security in the region. -
ProjectPecheurs migrants a Pointe-Noire (Congo): continuite et changement perpetue 1994
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Les appellations employees dans cette publication et la presentation des donnees qui y figurant, nimpliquent de la part de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture aucune prise de position quant au statut juridique des pays, territoires, villes ou zones, ou de leurs autorites ni quant au trace de leurs frontieres ou limites. -
ProjectReport on the regional seminar on artisanal fishermen's migrations in west africa 1992
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With financial assistance from Denmark and in collaboration with the Republic of Benin, the Fisheries Department of FAO is implementing in West Africa a programme of small scale fisheries development, commonly called the IDAF Project. This programme is based upon an integrated approach involving production, processing and marketing of fish, and related activities, it also involves an active participation of the target fishing communities.
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