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Strengthening Forest Based Communities and their Livelihoods in Sierra Leone - TCP/SIL/3601

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    Enhancing community-based forest management and utilization for the improvement of rural livelihoods 2013
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    The project goal is to promote responsible, productive, and sustainable management of forest resources by local communities to meet their needs and to stimulate development. This is expected achieved by building the knowledge and capacity of FA and CF User Groups in sustainable forest management and on responsible utilization of forest resources and nation-wide networks of stakeholders.
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    Aquaculture for Food Security, Livelihood and Nutrition in Sierra Leone - TCP/SIL/3502 2019
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    Fish accounts for about 80 percent of the protein needs of the peopleof Sierra Leone, with barely 20 percent provided by the livestock sector.Marine fish stocks continue to be exploited by both small-scale fishingunits and industrial trawlers, but the overfishing of some commerciallyexploited fish stocks has led to a decline in marine fish stocks,with adverse effects on the overall nutrition status of the population.The limited availability of both marine and freshwater fish is a majorchallenge for the Government and action must be taken if the goalsof improved fish supply and food security are to be achieved.The promotion of sustainable aquaculture was recognized as a responseto the decline in national fish supplies. In this regard, the Governmentapproached FAO for technical assistance. The project aimed to improveaquaculture production by providing assistance to smallholder farmersin communities and groups of fish farmers through empowerment andcapacity-building, the provision of inputs, the strengthening of extensionservices for fish farming and the pilot production of local fish feed.
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    Enabling Sustainable Livelihoods through Economic Diversification in The Kono District, Sierra Leone - TCP/SIL/3702 2021
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    Transforming and modernizing the agriculture sector in Sierra Leone to ensure food self sufficiency, support job growth and increase exports was a central focus of the country’s Agenda for Prosperity 2013 2018 One strategy for achieving this objective was to bring new farming practices and technologies into rural areas of the country to increase diversification and improve nutrition Under this project, aquaculture and poultry farming were introduced in the Kono District Poultry and fish farming were chosen because they are suitable to rural areas of the country, which have ample water and land The project was designed to benefit rural dwellers, particularly women and youth, by developing their capacities and providing them with the necessary equipment to farm chickens and fish Through these efforts, the project i contributed to the expansion and diversification of agricultural activities ;;( strengthened food and nutrition security and ( created jobs and boosted livelihoods in Kono District.

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