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Animal Health and Climate Change

Protecting the health of animals to help reduce the effects of our changing climate on hunger and poverty

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    Climate Change, Food Security and Insurance Systems for Family Farming
    Brazil case: Climate, income and price insurance programs.
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    Family Farming Insurance Disasters resulting from weather changes cause the greatest economic impacts on the region (70% of emergencies are weather-related). Annual costs of approximately 2.2% of the GDP (base year 2010) are estimated to face disasters, in lack of climate change adaptation actions. The global climate risk index estimated based on information from 1995 to 2014, indicates that 4 out of the 10 countries with the highest risk index are in Latin America and the Caribbean: Honduras, H aiti, Nicaragua and Guatemala. In the region, one third of the population lives in high risk zones due to exposure to geological and hydro-meteorological threats. Climate change is also increasing the dispersal area of plant and animal plagues and diseases, in addition to increasing the probability of outbreaks and intensified effects. Through the enactment of Law 5,969 of 1973, Brazil established the Agricultural and Livestock Activity Guarantee Program (PROAGRO) to protect farmers from rural loan obligations. In 2004, it created “PROAGRO Mais”, for producers associated to the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Farming (PRONAF). Currently, PROAGRO protects medium-sized farmers (PRONAMP), and PROAGRO Mais protects PRONAF beneficiaries. PROAGRO Mais guarantees, in cost operations, up to 80% of the expected gross income, covering financing and up to R$ 20 thousand of the estimated net income; and for investment operations, coverage limit is 95% of the expected gross inco me, deducting the coverage by cost operations. In cost operations, PRONAF beneficiary participation is mandatory, while in investment operations, it is optional. Harvest Guarantee In Latin America and the Caribbean, family farming is very important for the food security and nutrition of all population. Approximately 81% of agricultural endeavours correspond to family farmers and, depending on the country, they provide 27% to 67% of the food. Family farming generates 57% to 77% of agricultural j obs in the region, so its is a very important job-generation sector. To continue boosting food security and sustainable development, family farming has three important challenges: 1) to produce more assorted and nutritional foods, 2) to continue creating safer and more stable jobs, and 3) to favour the appropriate use of resources used in production. Harvest Guarantee is a program that supports family farmers below the poverty line, with emphasis on the Brazilian Semiarid Zone, where losses due to drought are frequent. It was established by Law 10,420, of April 10, 2002. Price Guarantee for Family Farming This is a Federal Government program that offers the family farmer with PRONAF loan, a protection against price reductions. Currently, 51 products have a guarantee price. Rural population in the region lives in an extremely precarious situation because the poorest population plus the population in economic vulnerability situation correspond to 80% of the total rural population. Many family farmers in this percentage have their livelihoods depending greatly on environmental factors and natural resources.
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    Resilience Building in Somalia
    FAO Programme Review 2024
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    Leveraging on more than a decade of delivering humanitarian response, saving lives, and building resilient and sustainable livelihoods in Somalia, FAO continues to prioritize strengthening the productive sectors and resilient food systems. At the core of this is building resilience against climate change and human-induced crises as well as protecting the poor and vulnerable from shocks and stresses. In Somalia, FAO operates one of the largest resilience programmes in sub-Saharan Africa in efforts to contribute to the regional, sub-regional and country priorities. FAO defines Resilience as the ability of individuals, households, and communities to PREVENT, ANTICIPATE, ABSORB, ADOPT and TRANSFORM positively, efficiently, and effectively when faced with a wide range of risks and crises while maintaining an acceptable level of functioning without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development, peace and security, human rights, and well-being for all. The ongoing programme in Somalia implemented in collaboration with the government of Somalia and partners focuses on enhancing evidence-based policies and institutional interventions, covering components such as food security, nutrition, land, agriculture, aquaculture, livestock breeding, infrastructure rehabilitation/construction and seed policies and production. Through the programme, FAO supports increased production and productivity through targeted support to households, smallholder farmers, farmer organizations and cooperatives, youth and women organizations improved efficiency; provision/improvement of infrastructure such as feeder roads, markets, flood embarkments, fish landing sites, veterinary and seed laboratories; improving farmer knowledge and skills; investing in early warning and early action systems for evidence-based decision making and anticipatory actions; and strengthening of stakeholder coordination for higher and lasting impact of interventions. To improve agri-food system resilience, FAO has focused on supporting increased crop production to meet the cereal needs of the most vulnerable. To strengthen the preventive and anticipative resilience of the communities and the government, emphasis is made on strengthening the capacity of federal and state governments to conduct desert locust surveillance and control in order to prevent the destruction of crops. Support is provided to the livestock sector through animal treatment and vaccination campaigns, including efforts to commercialize the sector and reduce livestock-related conflicts. Moving towards adaptive and transformative capacity for longer term and sustainable resilience building, the focus is made towards strengthening irrigation potential in the riverine areas while providing cash to enable quick recovery. The FAO Somalia programme is also promoting the development of the fisheries sector which has a great potential to contribute to national food security. FAO interventions towards building resilience.
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    Climate-Smart Agriculture in Cabo Verde 2019
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    The climate smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects an ambition to improve the integration of agriculture development and climate responsiveness. It aims to achieve food security and broader development goals under a changing climate and increasing food demand. CSA initiatives sustainably increase productivity, enhance resilience, and reduce/remove greenhouse gases (GHGs), and require planning to address trade-offs and synergies between three pillars: productivity, adaptation and mitigation. The priorities of different countries and stakeholders are reflected to achieve more efficient, effective, and equitable food systems that address challenges in environment, social, and economic dimensions across productive landscapes. The country profile provides a snapshot of a developing baseline created to initiate discussion, both within countries and globally, about entry points for investing in CSA at scale. Cabo Verde is an archipelago developing country in West Africa of volcanic origin having an ecological and landscape diversity associated to the geomorphological characteristics of the islands and to the influences of the actions of climate elements and anthropic pressure on the existing resources. Agricultural land in the country is about 79000ha representing 19.6% of the total land area. Agriculture is predominantly based on subsistence family production. The production systems present can be categorised into rainfed and irrigated systems. Major crops produced include maize, pulses, vegetables, coconut, sugar cane, coffee and fruits. In terms of agricultural inputs, Cabo Verde has an irrigation potential of 3,109ha although a small proportion (5.9%) of the agricultural areas is equipped for irrigation. However, drip irrigation has expanded fast, with investments made in water mobilisation and gravity irrigation schemes. Cereals continue to constitute the major parts of Cabo Verdean diet although diets are now more diversified with more proteins and micronutrients-rich foods. As a small island development state (SIDS), Cabo Verde has one of the lowest GHG emissions per capita. Challenges to agriculture include (i) growth in population and food demand, (ii) limited marketing opportunities of agricultural commodities, (iii) climate change and variability, and (iv) food waste. Climate models ran during 2008-2012 have shown that the country’s natural vulnerabilities, along with their social and economic implications, are very likely to be exacerbated by climate-related disruptions in the next decades. In addition, the country is affected by acute water scarcity (both surface and underground) with erratic mean annual precipitation level decreasing since 1970. CSA technologies and practises present opportunities for addressing climate change challenges, as well as for economic growth and development of the agriculture sector. Identified CSA practises in use in the country include (i) integrated pest and disease management (IPM)), (ii) drip irrigation, (iii) anti-erosion practises, (iv) soil and water conservation (SWC) techniques, (v) shelterbelts, and (vi) improved seeds/breeds. Several institutions aim to foster the development and adoption of technologies that enhance agriculture productivity and advance CSA practises in Cabo Verde. The ministry of environment, agriculture and fisheries is the main government institutions responsible for the country’s climate change plans and policies. The food and agriculture organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations development programme (UNDP) play instrumental roles in the promotion of sustainable agriculture and environmental sustainability. There is no specific funding allocated to CSA per se in the country. However, various projects funded within the purview of agriculture, environmental sustainability and climate change have contributed to delivering CSA goals. Sources of funding include FAO, World Bank, GEF with support of UNDP, etc. The country has also benefitted from other grants to support it in the development of various strategies, action plans, policies and frameworks. Several policies, strategies, plans and programmes are being implemented to fight climate change and promote activities underpinning CSA.

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