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The right to food within the international framework of human rights and country constitutions

Right to Food Handbooks 1

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Constitutional and Legal Protection of the Right to Food around the World 2011
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    This study reviews the legal protection of the right to food at national level, through constitutional provisions, national legislation and the direct applicability of international law. A comprehensive review of all the constitutions of the world found that the right to food is constitutionally protected in at least 106 countries. In these countries, individuals can claim the right to food in front of their national courts. The study underlines that in countries where direct application of inte rnational treaties is not recognised, embedding the right to food within the constitution gives strong legal support to better ensure this human right. The document also provides an illustrative description of the different types of constitutional recognition of the right to food, e.g. explicit or implicit, direct or indirect.
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    Book (series)
    Legal developments and progressive realization of the right to adequate food
    Right to Food Thematic Study 3
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    Legal developments in the progressive realization of the right to adequate food thematic study explores the significant legal advances of the right to food since the adoption of the Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security (Right to Food Guidelines) in 2004. While not legally binding as such, the Right to Food Guidelines, particularly Guideline 7, provide guidance on strengthening legal frameworks for the p rogressive realization of the right to food. The study examines the explicit and implicit recognition of the right to food in national constitutions. While these are highly significant and can provide grounds for litigation, constitutional provisions alone do not provide precise instructions on the different issues that are relevant to the right to food. Adoption of framework laws or specific food security legislation can establish an institutional structure and develop further what action shou ld be taken and how decision-making processes are organized. Sectoral legislation is also necessary to regulate public and private actors in the different fields, as illustrated in the study. With the overview of the various developments at the legislative level, the study proceeds to examine judicial developments related to the right to food. Through the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights the right has become justiciable at the international level and as a matter of international law. There have also been notable jurisprudential developments on the right to food in recent years. The study cites court cases from a number of different countries with different legal systems, as well as cases from regional human rights instances. The cases cited illustrate how the right to food has been interpreted and how it can be enforced.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Le droit à l’alimentation dans le cadre international des droits de l’homme et dans les Constitutions
    Manuel pratique sur le droit à l’alimentation 1
    Manuel pratique sur le droit à l’alimentation 1. Le premier manuel pratique de cette collection analyse le droit à l’alimentation dans le cadre international des droits de l’homme, notamment le PIDESC et d’autres instruments pertinents ainsi que sa reconnaissance dans les constitutions. Le contenu du manuel pratique est basé sur le « Guide pour légiférer sur le droit à l'alimentation » de la FAO. Cet outil de travail analyse le droit à l’alimentation au sein des principaux instruments internat ionaux des droits de l’homme, notamment sa teneur normative et les obligations des États vis-a-vis de ce droit. Diverses formes de reconnaissances constitutionnelles -explicite, implicite ou sous forme de principe directeur de la politique de l’État- sont également analysées dans le domaine national.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Constitutional and Legal Protection of the Right to Food around the World 2011
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    This study reviews the legal protection of the right to food at national level, through constitutional provisions, national legislation and the direct applicability of international law. A comprehensive review of all the constitutions of the world found that the right to food is constitutionally protected in at least 106 countries. In these countries, individuals can claim the right to food in front of their national courts. The study underlines that in countries where direct application of inte rnational treaties is not recognised, embedding the right to food within the constitution gives strong legal support to better ensure this human right. The document also provides an illustrative description of the different types of constitutional recognition of the right to food, e.g. explicit or implicit, direct or indirect.
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    Book (series)
    Legal developments and progressive realization of the right to adequate food
    Right to Food Thematic Study 3
    Also available in:
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    Legal developments in the progressive realization of the right to adequate food thematic study explores the significant legal advances of the right to food since the adoption of the Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security (Right to Food Guidelines) in 2004. While not legally binding as such, the Right to Food Guidelines, particularly Guideline 7, provide guidance on strengthening legal frameworks for the p rogressive realization of the right to food. The study examines the explicit and implicit recognition of the right to food in national constitutions. While these are highly significant and can provide grounds for litigation, constitutional provisions alone do not provide precise instructions on the different issues that are relevant to the right to food. Adoption of framework laws or specific food security legislation can establish an institutional structure and develop further what action shou ld be taken and how decision-making processes are organized. Sectoral legislation is also necessary to regulate public and private actors in the different fields, as illustrated in the study. With the overview of the various developments at the legislative level, the study proceeds to examine judicial developments related to the right to food. Through the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights the right has become justiciable at the international level and as a matter of international law. There have also been notable jurisprudential developments on the right to food in recent years. The study cites court cases from a number of different countries with different legal systems, as well as cases from regional human rights instances. The cases cited illustrate how the right to food has been interpreted and how it can be enforced.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Le droit à l’alimentation dans le cadre international des droits de l’homme et dans les Constitutions
    Manuel pratique sur le droit à l’alimentation 1
    Manuel pratique sur le droit à l’alimentation 1. Le premier manuel pratique de cette collection analyse le droit à l’alimentation dans le cadre international des droits de l’homme, notamment le PIDESC et d’autres instruments pertinents ainsi que sa reconnaissance dans les constitutions. Le contenu du manuel pratique est basé sur le « Guide pour légiférer sur le droit à l'alimentation » de la FAO. Cet outil de travail analyse le droit à l’alimentation au sein des principaux instruments internat ionaux des droits de l’homme, notamment sa teneur normative et les obligations des États vis-a-vis de ce droit. Diverses formes de reconnaissances constitutionnelles -explicite, implicite ou sous forme de principe directeur de la politique de l’État- sont également analysées dans le domaine national.

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