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BookletPartnerships with non-state actors at FAO – Progress report 2023 2024The Partnerships with non-state actors at FAO – Progress report 2023 provides a summary of FAO's non-state actor partnership activities from 2023. The report provides an overview of FAO's level of engagement with various non-state actors including civil society organizations, producer organizations, Indigenous Peoples, parliamentarians, and academia and research institutions. The report also provides key information on partnership achievements, dialogue with the Director General on CSO engagement, success stories and the utilization of transformative partnerships to contribute to the Four Betters and to address the complexity and depth of the challenges of achieving the wider Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Booklet联合国粮农组织2022–2031年气候变化战略 2024粮农组织理事会于2022年6月批准了《联合国粮农组织2022–2031年气候变化战略》。这一新战略取代了2017年的前一战略,使粮农组织的气候行动与该组织《2022–2031年战略框架》以及此后制定的其他粮农组织战略更好地结合起来。该战略是在与粮农组织成员、粮农组织总部和下放办事处工作人员以及外部合作伙伴进行广泛磋商后制定的。该战略围绕全球和区域层面、国家层面和地方层面三大行动支柱,阐述了粮农组织到2050年对农业粮食体系的愿景。该战略还鼓励关键的行动指导原则,如科学和创新、包容性、伙伴关系和资金获取。
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