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Book (stand-alone)Kartu identifikasi penyu
Untuk perikanan di Samudera Hindia
2019Also available in:
Kartu identifikasi penyu dibuat sebagai bagian dari materi kampanye oleh Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) dan sekretariat Komunitas Pasifik untuk peningkatan pelaporan atas interaksi penyu diantara kapal penangkapan dibawah mandate pengelolaan IOTC. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetBillfish identification cards in Indian Ocean pelagic fisheries 2013
Also available in:
These identification cards are produced by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) to help improve catch data and statistics on targeted billfish. Through an improved understanding of billfish stocks, regional fisheries managers can ensure that these species are fished in a sustainable manner in the Indian Ocean. The most likely users of the cards are fisheries observers, samplers, and fishing masters. Fisheries training institutions and fishing communities are other potential users. -
Book (stand-alone)Cetacean identification cards for Indian Ocean fisheries 2018This document is an identification guide to the main cetacean species interacting with pelagic fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species. It is a small-sized, waterproof, pocket guide intended for use onboard vessels to improve the quality of the data collected by fishers and observers in the IOTC Area of Competence.
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