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2016–2018 Spread of H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in sub-Saharan Africa

Epidemiological and ecological observations

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    Potential risk of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) spreading through wild water bird migration
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    There is a potential that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) subtype H5N1 might be carried along migration routes of wild water birds to densely populated areas in the south Asian subcontinent and along migratory flyways to Europe. Recent outbreaks of HPAI in Russia and Kazakhstan (August, 2005) attest to this fact. Looking at the major bird migration routes (Fig. 1), the HPAI H5N1 virus could possibly spread from Siberia to the Caspian and Black Sea areas in the foreseeable future. Some w ild water birds are nesting in the newly AI affected areas in Novosibirsk and Altai in Russia and will migrate to the above-mentioned areas for winter or stop-over on their way to Africa and Europe. Bird migration routes run across Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Georgia, Ukraine and some Mediterranean countries, where bird flu outbreaks are a possibility. Also India and Bangladesh, which currently seem to be uninfected, are at risk because both areas harbour large numbers of domestic duck and the count ries are situated along one of the major migratory routes. They have the potential to become new large endemic foci of HPAI infection. Additionally, spring migration of 2006 may result in the spread of HPAI H5N1 virus across European Russia, because birds migrating from Europe and European Russia and Siberia have common wintering areas in Southwest Asia.
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    Global consultation on highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)
    Rome, Italy, 2-4 May 2023
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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is a severe and highly contagious disease that has severe impacts on animal and human health, livelihoods, and the economy. At the time of the consultation, the recent panzootic had affected more than 70 countries and territories, resulting in over 11 000 disease events in both wild and domestic bird populations. The disease has also spilled over to several mammalian species, including humans, and may result in severe ecological and biodiversity consequences. Considering the alarming spread of HPAI and the evolution of avian influenza in wild birds, The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and Network of Expertise on Animal Influenza (OFFLU) brought together the global scientific community to review the latest science and evidence on the disease, to support development/implementation of disease prevention and control strategies and policies and contribute to global efforts towards reducing pandemic risk. The report summarizes the meeting discussions, and key recommendations to reduce the transmission of HPAI along the poultry value chains, and the spillover risk to humans and wildlife. The meeting report will contribute to revising the FAO-WOAH global control strategy for HPAI and developing evidence-based policies and research agendas to tackle the disease. Sharing the meeting report with technical experts and policy makers will help support the development of a research and development agenda to tackle HPAI globally.
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    Book (series)
    H5N8 Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) of Clade detected through surveillance of wild migratory birds in Tyva Republic, Russian Federation – potential for international spread 2016
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    H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus of Clade has been detected in migratory birds at Lake Ubsu-Nur in Tyva Republic of the Russian Federation, located on the Central Asian Flyway. Detection of HPAI virus in this location in the past has repeatedly been followed several months later by detection of similar virus in other locations especially to the West and South of Tyva Republic. All countries along this flyway and those to the West in the former Soviet Republics, The Mid dle East, Eastern Europe and even Africa (especially West Africa) should be on the alert for incursions of this virus.

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