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ProjectContributing to Sustainable Forest Management and Poverty Reduction by Tackling Illegal Logging and Promoting Trade in Legal Timber Products - GCP/GLO/397/EC and GCP/GLO/600/MUL 2023
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No results found.Poor forest governance, unclear legal frameworks, weak law enforcement and demand for cheap timber and timber products all contribute to illegal practices in the forest sector. These practices jeopardize efforts to improve sustainable forest management (SFM) and have a significant impact on a country's ability to achieve broader sustainable development goals such as poverty alleviation, food security and climate change mitigation. As part of an effort to tackle illegal logging and associated trade, the European Union’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan was established in 2003 to help tropical timber producing countries establish and implement measures to promote trade in legal timber products. Under this framework, tropical timber producing countries and the European Union enter into Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs), bilateral trade agreements which commit to exporting only legal timber into European markets. In this context, the FAO EU FLEGT Programme provided technical support and resources for the negotiation and implementation of VPAs, while in countries not engaged in a formal VPA process, the Programme supported measures to improve law enforcement, timber legality assurance and overall forest sector governance. -
MeetingLatin American And Caribbean Forestry Commission Thirty-First Session - Forest Protection: Integrated fire management; Forest health and invasive species; Preventive approach to illegal logging
Montevideo, Uruguay, 2 - 6 September 2019
2019Also available in:
ArticleIllegal logging and trade of illegally-derived forest: Africa and the sustanable market
XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
2022Also available in:
No results found.Illegal logging is considered as a problem in Nigeria and Africa at large. Nigeria is being ranked as a high risk nation due to unregulated practices. It is being constituted as a threat for sustainability of forest management. In timber production-supply-consumption cycle, illegal logging mainly occurs in phase of forest felling, where it is difficult to identify and control all possible cases. The percentage of illegal logging is calculated as proportion of registered illegal cuttings and total cuttings in the country. Data capturing is a huge problem due to lack of modern capturing equipment and training. Seeking to reduce illegal logging, Forest Products Traceability Network has created a standard in conjunction with all stakeholders in Nigeria to work on improvement of forestry related legislation. The standard which is in alignment with the FSC and PEFC forest and forest products management standard will be used as yardstick to measure legal and illegal timber in the country. Why illegal logging thrived is because there is market for the illegally harvested timber. If illegalities must be eradicated, there should be a better alternatives for practices. Therefore, if premium market for timber products are assured, illegalities will easily be eradicated and people will embrace legality. Promoting trade of legal timber in the US/EU/Australia/Japan and other sustainable market is the best alternative and strong factor in making legality thrive in Africa. Unfortunately, EU, US and most Western countries that frowns on unsustainable practices are the ones indirectly promoting illegal logging especially in Nigeria. They buy from Asians (China, Vietnam, Indian) thinking they are buying from a managed forest and thereby not faulting any forestry laws. However, the fact is that these Asians buys from Nigeria and the rest of African countries illegally. Take it to their country and green washed them for sales to the EU, United States and other Western countries. Introducing the Nigerian legal logs to the EU and US sustainable timber market will not only boost transparency and traceability but will boost genuine promotion of a friendly environment and transparent adoption of the EUTR and United States Government Lacey Act for timber imports. Keywords: Forest, timber legality standard, logging, Africa and Western countries ID: 3481001
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