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Compendium on experiences from the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process in Central and West African countries

Accra (Ghana), 23 - 25 October 2012

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    Contributing to Sustainable Forest Management and Poverty Reduction by Tackling Illegal Logging and Promoting Trade in Legal Timber Products - GCP/GLO/397/EC and GCP/GLO/600/MUL 2023
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    Poor forest governance, unclear legal frameworks, weak law enforcement and demand for cheap timber and timber products all contribute to illegal practices in the forest sector. These practices jeopardize efforts to improve sustainable forest management (SFM) and have a significant impact on a country's ability to achieve broader sustainable development goals such as poverty alleviation, food security and climate change mitigation. As part of an effort to tackle illegal logging and associated trade, the European Union’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan was established in 2003 to help tropical timber producing countries establish and implement measures to promote trade in legal timber products. Under this framework, tropical timber producing countries and the European Union enter into Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs), bilateral trade agreements which commit to exporting only legal timber into European markets. In this context, the FAO EU FLEGT Programme provided technical support and resources for the negotiation and implementation of VPAs, while in countries not engaged in a formal VPA process, the Programme supported measures to improve law enforcement, timber legality assurance and overall forest sector governance.
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    FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Programme - Phase III (2016-2021) 2021
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    The FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme works in partnership with the European Union its Member States to implement the EU’s FLEGT Action Plan to combat illegal logging and associated trade. Since 2016, the Programme has supported over 200 partners from civil society, government administrations and private sector in tropical timber-producing countries to enact locally-defined solutions, such as national timber traceability systems, to strengthen forest governance and increase legal timber production and trade. Programme actions have increased the capacity of national and local actors to ensure the sustainability of interventions and have fostered co-operation between actors in the forest sector.
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    The FAO FLEGT Programme supports the European Union to implement the FLEGT Action Plan. > The Programme provides technical and financial support to local stakeholders from government institutions, private sector representatives and civil society organizations to implement locally defined solutions to forest governance challenges. > The Programme supports: 1. stakeholders in tropical timber producing countries working towards a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) – a bilateral and binding trade accord between the EU and timber-producing countries; 2. stakeholders in other tropical timber producing countries actively involved in FLEGT-related initiatives to improve forest governance. > Projects are identified through periodic calls for proposals and dialogue at the country level. > To date, the Programme has supported over 200 projects in some 40 tropical timber producing countries

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