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Book (stand-alone)FAO Investment Centre/EBRD Agribusiness Handbooks 1999
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No results found.This publication was prepared by the FAO Investment Centre under the FAO/EBRD cooperation agreement to provide quick technical and economical reference material to EBRD’s agribusiness team in sub-sectors where they often work. Focus was given to the Bank's countries of operation in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, with indications of technical and economical performance in other regions of the world noted for comparison. The booklet is organized in separate handboo ks covering specific agribusiness sub-sectors, with information on production and processing techniques, costs and margins, world production, prices and trade trends. Data were collected from a number of official and unofficial sources and have an indicative nature. -
BookletTechnical workshop report – Unlocking the potential for sustainable, inclusive and competitive agribusiness development in the Near East and North Africa 2023
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No results found.The overall aim of the workshop was to; 1) gain insight from multiple stakeholders about the barriers and opportunities for agribusiness SMEs’ participation in agrifood systems policymaking in NENA; 2) identify priorities for capacity development for agribusiness SMEs, and surrounding institutional and legal frameworks to be more sustainable, inclusive and competitive; 3) share best practices for building effective partnerships and coordination mechanisms among stakeholders at national and regional levels. Engaging regional actors and reflecting the views from countries helped ensure that the plan and interventions emanating from the workshop are action and impact-oriented and respond to the challenges and needs of the countries of the region. The technical workshop was held in Cairo, Egypt from 31 October to 2 November 2022 and welcomed over 75 people from 16 countries, representing ministries of agriculture and industry, private sector, as well as International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and partner organizations (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Food Policy Research Institute, United Nations Industrial Development Organization). -
Book (stand-alone)Expert consultation on statistics in support of policies to empower small farmers 2009
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No results found.Small farmers play a key role in agricultural development in Asia and the Pacific region. Lack of adequate data on small farmers who comprise the bulk of farm households and food-insecure people in the region is a constraint to devising effective policies to empower them. This is especially true in the context of trade liberalization and globalisation and soaring food prices which have adversely affected small farmers in Asia and the Pacific. The Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Sta tistics (APCAS), at its June 2008 session in Kuching, Malaysia, emphasized the need to review data collection methods and types of information collected to keep information systems attuned to data needs for early warning signals of price and market fluctuations in order to support the setting up of mitigating measures against negative impacts of rising prices. This expert consultation was therefore organized to shed light on the role of statisticians in assisting policy-makers formulate timel y corrective measures when confronted with food market crises. Experts from Australia, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Thailand and concerned FAO technical officers from headquarters and the regional office contributed to discussions on these issues and developed recommendations. It is hoped the summary account contained in this report will be useful to both decision-makers and information practitioners in meeting the Millennium Development Goal of halving the number of the region's malnourished by 2015.
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