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Creating an enabling environment for sustainable avocado and pineapple value chains - Opportunities for producing countries

Technical brief, no. 8

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Resilience assessment of avocado and pineapple value chains 2023
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    Building resilience is important for agrifood systems – such as tropical fruit value chains – to prepare, withstand and adapt to a wide range of risks, including climate and non-climatic shocks and stresses. Resilience is also important to foster transformation of value chains, to both minimize the negative impacts of external risks on the supply chain and also to prevent new operational problems that could compromise the long-term viability of businesses. The FAO-led Building responsible global value chains for the sustainable production and trade of tropical fruits project conducted a comprehensive study during the last quarter of 2022 to identify the main resilience challenges that participants in the avocado and pineapple sectors are facing. The study also aimed to understand the capacities the actors from both value chains possess to prevent, anticipate, absorb, adapt and transform in view of future climate and socioeconomic risks. The report includes the main results from the study, which were validated by the project participants during a workshop held on 6 December 2022. The findings largely draw on literature review and consultations with some of the main actors from the global avocado and pineapple industries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    How do avocado and pineapple businesses shape the fate of Sustainable Development Goals?
    Technical brief, no. 7
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    Businesses in the global production and export of avocados and pineapples can play an important role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The tropical fruit sector not only contributes to employment and export revenues but also provides nutritious food. However, if not properly managed, social, environmental and economic risks associated with tropical fruits value chains can have detrimental effects and impede progress towards achieving the SDGs. A proactive approach is necessary to identify and avoid these challenges, ensuring that the avocado and pineapple sectors continue to make positive contributions to the SDGs. By doing so, they can align their growth with sustainable development. Contributing to fulfilling the SDGs also help businesses mitigate risks, strengthen access to markets with high sustainability requirements, and improve relationships with consumers, workers, governments and other stakeholders.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Making avocado and pineapple supply chains more sustainable and resilient 2021
    Concerned about business risk in avocado or pineapple supply chains? FAO can help. Global production and trade of tropical fruits have grown dramatically. Tropical fruits are a part of healthy diets for millions of people and contribute to rural and economic development in producer countries. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and concerns about sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) have shown business risks that must be addressed to ensure continued success in these value chains. Thus, FAO is leading the project “Building responsible global value chains for the sustainable production and trade of tropical fruits”. This flyer introduces the project to the private sector, including companies, producer organizations, trade associations, and industry initiatives. It summarizes how the project will help companies operating in avocado and pineapple supply chains to make their operations more sustainable and resilient. This includes strengthen or establish risk-based due diligence systems; providing a confidential environment for peer learning on pre-competitive issues; developing a series of demand-driven guides on technical challenges; and identifying opportunities to accelerate sustainable investment in these supply chains.

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