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How Criteria and Indicators Have Contributed Towards Achieving Sustainable Forest Management: the case of United States of America

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    Assessing the contribution and linkages of the forest sector to the national economy: Case studies on Finland, Malawi, and the United States of America
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Economic contribution of the forest sector is commonly downplayed by only considering its direct impacts while overlooking the ripple effects on other sectors of the economy. This lack of recognition often puts the forest sector in a less favorable position in developing national development strategy and impedes unlocking the sector’s full potential towards sustainable development. This study used three case studies (Finland, Malawi, and the United States of America) to illustrate how the forest sector contributed to national economies through direct, indirect, and induced effects. It identifies and quantifies how the forest sector is linked to other sectors of the economy via backward and forward linkages, and compares the structure of the sectoral linkages across the three studied countries. A structural path analysis approach based on social accounting matrices was used for the analysis. The forest sector was found having a promising potential to contribute to national economies through direct contribution and pathways via other sectors. The forest sector’s indirect and induced effects were found higher than its direct effects in terms of employment, valued added, and labour income. Wood-based processing subsectors in general had higher economic multipliers than the forestry and logging subsector. The real estate, wholesale trade, and food sectors were among the top backward-linked sectors of the forest sector and the construction sector was among the top forward-linked sectors for all three countries. There were great variations in how the forest sector interacts with other sectors among the studied countries. Stage of development, resource endowments, forest tenure, geo-economics, positions in international trade, and national forest policy all played some roles. The results can advance our understanding of the sectoral linkages of the forest sector in national economy and provide thoughts on how to weave the forest sector into national development strategies in a holistic way. Keywords: economic contribution analysis, sectoral linkage, social accounting matrix, structural path analysis, forest sector ID: 3485504
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    Report of the International Conference on the Contribution of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: The Way Forward (CICI-2003) - Volume 2
    CICI-2003 - 3 - 7 February 2003, Guatemala City, Guatemala
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    The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on the Contribution of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management: The Way Forward (CICI-2003) formed by the Instituto Nacional de Bosques of Guatemala, FAO, ITTO, US Department of State, US Forest Service and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland, would like to extend its sincere appreciation to the Government of Guatemala, including the Ministry of Agriculture and the national Immigration and Foreign Affairs au thorities, for their active contribution to the organization of the International Conference that lead to its success. Appreciation is also extended to the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Conference, Chairpersons and Rapporteurs of the Working Groups, the Keynote speaker, and the authors and presenters of the background papers and case studies. Throughout the planning period of CICI-2003, a great number of useful and constructive suggestions were received from the members of the Inte rnational Advisory Committee of CICI-2003 and from other experts of various countries and organizations. The success of this meeting could not have been possible without such support. It is hoped that the results of this Conference will serve to enhance the development, implementation and use of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management as tools for monitoring, assessment and reporting on forest conditions and trends by countries, as well as for influencing national policies an d practices and international cooperation and collaboration in pursuing sustainable forest management - the forest sector's contribution to sustainable development.

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