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The coronavirus and the potential blackout of national statistics: Reorganizing national statistical systems in the context of COVID-19

​FAO. 2020. The coronavirus and the potential blackout of national statistics: Reorganizing national statistical systems in the context of COVID-19. Rome.

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    National agricultural census operations and COVID-19 2020
    The COVID-19 pandemic is also affecting agricultural census activities. Currently, 62 countries are preparing (45 countries) or have conducted (17 countries) censuses of agriculture in the WCA 2020 round. A rapid appraisal and informal consultations with national agricultural census authorities reveal that some 34 countries reported delays or suspension of several census activities. Countries that have started or were about to start fieldwork and census enumeration have put these activities on hold until the crisis is over. Most countries agreed that the full impact on the preparation and implementation of national censuses will depend on the evolution of the crisis.
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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) | Addressing the impacts of COVID-19 in food crises
    April–December 2020, May Update, FAO’s component of the Global COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Plan
    Also available in:
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    At the beginning of April, the 2020 edition of the Global Report on Food Crises was issued, presenting a stark warning for the future. In 2019 – prior to the COVID-19 pandemic – 135 million people experienced Crisis (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification [IPC]/Cadre harmonisé [CH] Phase 3) and worse levels of acute food insecurity. A further 183 million were on the edge in stressed food security conditions (IPC/CH Phase 2) – in other words, just one shock away from severe acute food insecurity. COVID-19-related restrictions risk pushing many more into crisis. As the pandemic progresses in food crisis contexts, food availability as well as food access could emerge as a serious concern – in both rural and urban areas. The Global COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Plan has been revised significantly upwards to reflect the increasingly urgent need to address non-health impacts of COVID-19. Of these needs, the food security sector represents the largest component, for a total of USD 1.6 billion. As part of this, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking USD 350 million to ensure the provision of critical assistance where there are already high levels of need, while meeting new needs emerging from the effects of COVID-19.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Le coronavirus et l’éventuelle interruption des statistiques nationales: Réorganiser les systèmes nationaux de statistique dans le contexte de la covid 19 2020
    Dans le contexte de la pandémie de covid-19, les services nationaux de statistique continuent de s’employer à fournir aux responsables de l’élaboration des politiques, aux secteurs de l’économie et à la société les informations dont ils ont besoin au niveau national. Dans de nombreux pays, des plans d’atténuation et de confinement sont mis en place selon l’évolution de la situation. Néanmoins, à mesure que la situation continue de se détériorer dans les pays à faible revenu, les systèmes nationaux de statistique risquent de connaître une interruption partielle ou totale, laissant les pays et la communauté internationale à l’aveugle, sans les données nécessaires à l’élaboration des politiques et au suivi des programmes de développement nationaux et internationaux.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    National agricultural census operations and COVID-19 2020
    The COVID-19 pandemic is also affecting agricultural census activities. Currently, 62 countries are preparing (45 countries) or have conducted (17 countries) censuses of agriculture in the WCA 2020 round. A rapid appraisal and informal consultations with national agricultural census authorities reveal that some 34 countries reported delays or suspension of several census activities. Countries that have started or were about to start fieldwork and census enumeration have put these activities on hold until the crisis is over. Most countries agreed that the full impact on the preparation and implementation of national censuses will depend on the evolution of the crisis.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) | Addressing the impacts of COVID-19 in food crises
    April–December 2020, May Update, FAO’s component of the Global COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Plan
    Also available in:
    No results found.

    At the beginning of April, the 2020 edition of the Global Report on Food Crises was issued, presenting a stark warning for the future. In 2019 – prior to the COVID-19 pandemic – 135 million people experienced Crisis (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification [IPC]/Cadre harmonisé [CH] Phase 3) and worse levels of acute food insecurity. A further 183 million were on the edge in stressed food security conditions (IPC/CH Phase 2) – in other words, just one shock away from severe acute food insecurity. COVID-19-related restrictions risk pushing many more into crisis. As the pandemic progresses in food crisis contexts, food availability as well as food access could emerge as a serious concern – in both rural and urban areas. The Global COVID-19 Humanitarian Response Plan has been revised significantly upwards to reflect the increasingly urgent need to address non-health impacts of COVID-19. Of these needs, the food security sector represents the largest component, for a total of USD 1.6 billion. As part of this, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking USD 350 million to ensure the provision of critical assistance where there are already high levels of need, while meeting new needs emerging from the effects of COVID-19.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Le coronavirus et l’éventuelle interruption des statistiques nationales: Réorganiser les systèmes nationaux de statistique dans le contexte de la covid 19 2020
    Dans le contexte de la pandémie de covid-19, les services nationaux de statistique continuent de s’employer à fournir aux responsables de l’élaboration des politiques, aux secteurs de l’économie et à la société les informations dont ils ont besoin au niveau national. Dans de nombreux pays, des plans d’atténuation et de confinement sont mis en place selon l’évolution de la situation. Néanmoins, à mesure que la situation continue de se détériorer dans les pays à faible revenu, les systèmes nationaux de statistique risquent de connaître une interruption partielle ou totale, laissant les pays et la communauté internationale à l’aveugle, sans les données nécessaires à l’élaboration des politiques et au suivi des programmes de développement nationaux et internationaux.

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